A Timeline of Distance Education

  • Beginning of Distance Education

    Beginning of Distance Education
    The Phonographic Institute in Cincinnati, OH offers stenographic training through correspondence courses.
  • Anna Ticknor

    Anna Ticknor
    The Society to Encourage Studies at Home is established by Anna Ticknor to provide education for women through use of correspondence studies.
  • 1882 Chautauqua Hill, NY

    1882 Chautauqua Hill, NY
    William Rainey Harper develops correspondence program at Chautauqua Hill, NY which led to authorization of correspondence courses in the state of New York.
  • Colliery School of Mines

    Colliery School of Mines
    The Colliery School of Mines offers correspondence instructional system to teach mine safety to workers in Pennsylvania; would become International Correspondence School (ICS) and offer training and education for railroad and iron workers.
  • University of Chicago

    University of Chicago
    The first formal program of university Distance Education is developed through the creation of Extension Department of the school.
  • Cornell University

    Cornell University
    Martha Van Rensselaer develops instructional system to provide home economics training to women through rural areas of the state.
  • Radio Broadcasts

    Radio Broadcasts
    The first radio licenses are issued to University of Wisconsin, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Salt Lake City.
  • National Home Study Council

    National Home Study Council
    The National Home Study Council is created to monitor practices of correspondence schools; would become Distance Education and Training Council.
  • University of Iowa

    University of Iowa
    The University of Iowa introduces distance learning courses through broadcast television.
  • Instructional Television Fixed Service

    Instructional Television Fixed Service
    he Instructional Television Fixed Service (ITFS) is created to support the expansion of distance learning.
  • Chalres Wedemeyer at University of Wisconsin

    Chalres Wedemeyer at University of Wisconsin
    Charles Wedemeyer obtains a grant funded by Carnegie Corporation to study best use of technology to benefit independent learners at the University of Wisconsin.
  • Nova University

    Nova University
    Nova University of Advanced Technology established in state of Florida, offering degrees through distance education; in 2003 would become Nova Southeastern University.
  • Public Broadcasting Act

    Public Broadcasting Act
    The federal government acts to creat the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to promote non commercial use of television and radio.
  • National Public Television

    National Public Television
    Through combined efforts of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and AT&T the first national public television system is created.
  • British Open University

    British Open University
    The British Open University established by Royal Charter in England; followed the design provided through the AIMS project of 1964 at Univesity of Wisconsin.
  • Coastline Community College

    Coastline Community College
    Coastline Community College in California becomes the first fully televised program in distance education.
  • Development of the Microprocessor

    Development of the Microprocessor
    The development of the microprocessor led to creation of online learning communications systems which would provide immediacy in exchange of information between educational providers and students.

    The armed forces creates DANTES program to outsource training and education through public universities and private schools.
  • Satellite Television

    Satellite Television
    The use of satellite television to broadcast educational programming becomes cost effective in the 1980's.
  • Learn Alaska

    Learn Alaska
    Alaska becomes the first state to provide educational televison through satellite broadcast system.
  • Universities for Profit

    Universities for Profit
    The University of Phoenix is established as the first for profit institution to offer distance education in degree and non degree studies.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web is created by Tim Berners-Lee which allows information to be transmitted to all computers throughout the world.
  • Jones International University

    Jones International University
    The Jones International University in Colorado becomes the first online program accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
  • Webcam in Distance Education

    Webcam in Distance Education
    A private company based in San Diego,CA jones with China to create system to utilize webcam in distance education.
  • Podcasts in Distance Education

    Podcasts in Distance Education
    The use of podcasts in distance education is instituted in Dysart, AZ.