
A Timeline Leading Up To The Paterson Silk Strike

  • The I.W.W is Created

    The I.W.W is Created
    On June 27th, 1905 a union called the Industrial Workers of The World is formed at a conference in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Haywood, Pettibone, and Moyers Framed for Murder

    Haywood, Pettibone, and Moyers Framed for Murder
    The Govenor of Colorado, Frank Steuneberg was murdered and all the signs are pointed to WFM (WesternFederation of Miners) leaders Bill Haywood, George Pettibone, and Charles Moyers.
  • Haywood is Freed from Prison

    Haywood is Freed from Prison
    Bill Haywood is found not guilty and is freed from prison.
  • The Lawrence Textile Strike Starts

    The Lawrence Textile Strike Starts
    On January 1st, 1912 a law was passed to help moderate child labor in Massachusetts. This makes mill work less productive which hurts the Lawrence textile mills. Manufactuers in the mills gave workers in the mills more work and less pay. This action gave birth to a ten week strike, better known as the Lawrence Textile Strike, the most famous I.W.W strike in it's history.
  • The End of The Lawrence Textile Strike

    The End of The Lawrence Textile Strike
    On March 12th, 1912 the worker's conditions were met. Soon after workers were back in the mills.
  • The Paterson Silk Strike

    The Paterson Silk Strike
    On January 23rd, 1913 the manufacturers in several mills throughout Paterson, New Jersey started to crackdown on workers. This caused a strike throughout the whole city of Paterson with the mill workers.
  • The Pageant

    The Pageant
    On June 7th 1912 around 15,000 people came to the Pageant John Reed had set up. Only 12,000 paid for the pageant and over 1,000 waited outside in line. Some people even walked 23 miles: almsot a marathon just to come and watch. This day was a big part of the strike.