A Timeline

  • First time on internet

    First time on internet
    This was the first time I ever used the Internet. For the first time, I could do research without going to a library!
  • First cell phone

    First cell phone
    This was my first ever cell phone - the iconic Nokia! For the first time, I could talk to people while away from home.
  • First time using a GPS

    First time using a GPS
    This was my first time using satellite navigation. Prior to this, I needed an atlas, or needed to print out web directions. Now, I could just plug in an address and follow directions!
  • Remote Learning

    Remote Learning
    Prior to this date, every class I had ever taken had been in a physical classroom. Now, I could take classes from my home, or wherever I was!
  • Surgical technology

    Surgical technology
    Surgical technology has grown by leaps and bounds in my lifetime. With technology allowing for smaller incisions, surgery is safer than it's ever been! Which is good, because I'm looking at hiatal hernia surgery.