Plessy V Ferguson
This made segregation legal in the south making it the 14th amendment declairing it is "seprate but equil". -
NAACP founding
Race riots
Detroits 200,000 black population was forced into 60 square miles. a woman and her baby were thrown off the belle isle bridge and after many white stores and buinesses were destrioed and raided. -
Malcom X
Promoted to assistant minister of the number one temple in detorit -
Brown V. Board of education
This was the court case that got rid of seggregation allowing black studients to go to white schools but many blacks never tranfured schools. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
This was a boycott aginst the busses when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat was taken to jail. They then boycottec the busses cutting their prophets by 2/3 and they soon declaired it unconstutional. -
Rosa parks
She did not give up her seat and was arrested. -
Little rock intagration
A white mob gatherd outside of little rock highschool preventing black students from entering the school the national guard was called in and escorted the black students home. -
Sit ins
Four black mails walked into a whites only restarunt and sat quietly waiting to be to be served. Many would try to start fights and if they were attacked they would curl into a ball and take the attack. -
Freedom rides
Black protesters took bus rides trough the south and along theway used whites only restrooms restaraunts and other facilities. They were attacked by whites and the governmevt ruled it unconstutional to segragate busses -
March on Birmingham
The march on bermingham was the march aginst the most racist. LMK was arrested and was not given the right to see a lawyer. JFK had him pardend and martin was released. -
March on washington
200,000 americans gathered at the lincon monument and MLK deliverd the "I have a dream speach" -
De fact segragation
This was the type of seggregation that went on in social customs insted of in schools or public places -
24th amendment
This got rid of the tax that you needed to pay to be able to vote -
March for voting rights
This was a march to regester black voters in the south. They were attacked on the edmund pettis bridge and forced back to selma -
Cival rights ace
This made public seggregation illegal -
Voting rights act of 1965
Protesters were attacked with teir gas whps and dogs if they refused to turn around. They protested to get rid of jim crow laws in the south like having to take a litiracty test to be able to vote. -
Black panther day
Thurgood Marshall
Beame the first black supreme cort marshal -