A Time for Change

  • **Korean War Begins**

    **Korean War Begins**
  • Period: to

    **The comic strip the peanuts is the first published**

  • **22 Amendment created**

    **22 Amendment created**
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of Education
  • **Rosenbergs Executed**

    **Rosenbergs Executed**
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg was U.S. citizen, the spied for soviet union. They stole plans for the nuclear bombs, to help the soviets obtain them. The U.S. being the only country to have then at the time. They were caught and tried. After the trail they were executed.
  • Cuban revolution

    Cuban revolution
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts

    Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycotts
  • Central High School integrated in Little rock, Arkansas

    Central High School integrated in Little rock, Arkansas
    With the court case of Brown vs Board of education. The little rock high school was told to desegregate. After the law was passed nine African American students were still denied entrance to the school. They were met with so much resistance that the president Dwight D Eisenhower had to call out the Arkansas national guard and the 101st airborne.
  • **Soviets launch Sputnik**

    **Soviets launch Sputnik**
    Soviet Union launched a low earth orbit satellite called Sputnik. The satellite traveled at 18,000mph and traveled around the earth for 3 month, going around 1440 times. When the Soviet union launched sputnik the U.S. went into chaos, fearing that the Soviet Union was spying on them.
  • **Shippingport Atomic power station built**

    **Shippingport Atomic power station built**
  • John Kennedy elected

    John Kennedy elected
  • Period: to

    Freedom Riders

  • The Feminine Mystique Is published

    The Feminine Mystique Is published
  • Rachel Carson writes silent Spring

    Rachel Carson writes silent Spring
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis

  • March on washington

    March on washington
  • Assassination of John Kennedy

    Assassination of John Kennedy
  • Civil Rights Actsigned by Lyndon Johnson

    Civil Rights Actsigned by Lyndon Johnson
  • Man on the moon

    Man on the moon
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
  • Period: to

    March on Selma

  • Medicare and Medicaid established

    Medicare and Medicaid established
  • Riots in Watts

    Riots in Watts
  • Cesar Chavez and farm workers strike

    Cesar Chavez and farm workers strike
  • Founding conference for NOW

    Founding conference for NOW
  • Period: to

    TET Offensive

    The TET offensive , officially called the General offensive. It was a series of many surprise attacks on south Vietnam and American held bases and cities. it was also, the largest single military operation of the Vietnam war. Through out the attacks, America and the south Vietnamese, temporally lost some bases and cities. They quickly regrouped and took back the lost territory,
  • Massacre at My Lai

    Massacre at My Lai
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Assassination of Robert Kenndy

    Assassination of Robert Kenndy
  • Period: to


  • Nixon becomes President

    Nixon becomes President
  • **The Beatles break up**

    **The Beatles break up**
  • First Earth Day observed

    First Earth Day observed
  • Kent state Protesters Killed

    Kent state Protesters Killed
  • Title IX (sport) is passed

    Title IX (sport) is passed
  • ERA Passes Congress as a proposed amendment

  • SALT 1 summit

  • watergate scandal

    watergate scandal
  • **U.S. signs peace pact ending vietnam**

    **U.S. signs peace pact ending vietnam**
  • OPEC oil embargo

    OPEC oil embargo
  • Wounded Knee and FBI clash

    Wounded Knee and FBI clash
  • Roe vs. Wade passed

    Roe vs. Wade passed
  • Lyndon Johnson re-elected to Presidency

    Lyndon Johnson re-elected to Presidency
  • Nixon resigns and Ford becomes President

    In the Watergate Scandal, the Nixon administration bugged the Watergate hotel, to spy on political opponents. After being discovered and going to court, Nixon held tapes and refused to turn over them to the courts. After a series of court battles, Nixon had to give up the tapes but gave he gave the courts edited version. after the court battles, he knew he was gonna be impeached, so he resigned.
  • **200 year bicentennial for U.S.**