A thunderous whisper

By Evan888
  • Period: to

    A Thunderous Whisper

  • Spain's Civil War

    Spain's Civil War
    Started on July 17, 1936. The war was against the loyals (loyals are people that are loyal to their democracy which was the Spanish Republic). They were up against the rebels, who tried to overthrow the democracy.
  • Hard times for Jews

    Hard times for Jews
    Jews are starting to be treated diffrent and being banded from some stores.
  • Ani meets Mathias

    Ani meets Mathias
    Ani meets Mathias under her tree that she comes to every Monday. They end up becoming good friends.
  • Ani and Mathias become spies

    Ani and Mathias become spies
    They became spies because they found out that Mathias dad is a spy. Ani and Mathias deliver messages in sardine baskets to other spies.
  • School Bully no more

    School Bully no more
    Everyday the school bully would pick on Ani about how she smellled and that she sold sardines. This all changed because one day he had to buy sardines from her because his family didn't have that much money.
  • Guernica is bombed

    Guernica is bombed
    This happended not just in the book, but in real life too. The only reason Mathias and Ani lived was because they hid in a makeshift foxhole that protected them from the bombs and gunfire.
  • Ani's mom dies

    Ani's mom dies
    Ani feels terrified and realizes how horibble war can be.
  • Ani helps out

    Ani helps out
    Ani helps out on the Garza's makeshift hospital for people that were hurt or had their homes destroyed by the bombings.
  • Ani's dad comes home

    Ani's dad comes home
    Ani was able to see her dad for a brief five minutes before he had to leave again to go back to the war.
  • Ani moves to England

    Ani moves to England
    Along with thousands of children, Ani moved to England so she would be safe and away from the war.
  • Mathias moves to Germany

    Mathias moves to Germany
    Mathias moved to Germany to carry on the spy business since his parents died from the bombings.
  • the Basque culture is banned

    the Basque culture is banned
    Fancos won the war and made the Basque culture illegal.
  • World War 2 happened

    World War 2 happened
    World War 2 was a war against the Allies and the Axis it was caused by Hitler.
  • World War 2 ended

    World War 2 ended
    World War 2 ended.
  • 1963 Ani's Return

    1963 Ani's Return
    Ani came back to Spain and found a tree that had a sign that said "Ani's Tree". She knew it was from Mathias because at the start of the story, Mathias always mentioned to her that it wasn't her tree that she always sat by every Monday night. This let her know that Mathias was still alive too.