A thousand words

  • 1st day of community service

    1st day of community service
    Ashleigh has her first day of community service. Her job is to get research about what she did. Then make booklets or posters to educate students in school.
  • Picture day

    Picture day
    Ashleigh takes a nude picture of herself, sends the nude picture to Kaleb, very nervous of what he will say.
  • Someone else saw the photo

    Someone else saw the photo
    Ashleigh's friend Sarah said her brother saw a picture of her naked.
  • Starting to talk to Mack

    Starting to talk to Mack
    Ashleigh starts talking to this guy named Mack who is in the same teens talking group for community service. This guy hides in the shadows, never talks, and Ashleigh is kind of intrigued by him, so she wants to get to know him, but she doesn't want to be like Kenzie and prive into your personal life. He told her she should get a better best friend because Vonnie is a snot. Vonnie seems to be uninterested in Ashleigh, and they don't talk anymore.
  • The break up

    The break up
    Kaleb broke up with Ashleigh for her always accusing him of him cheating on her, and always having fights and being angry. He just doesn't want to be accused of sleeping with this girl named Holly, who he says is his partner, and cheating with her. He says she's always accusing him of things he didn't do, and he doesn't like feeling gulity of her being angry at him.
  • Vonnie's revenge

    Vonnie's revenge
    In the night, Vonnie with her other friends Cheyenne and Annie, shaving creamed Kaleb's house for revenge for him breaking up with Ashleigh. They shoe polished this truck windows, Vonnie drew penises on the car, and wrote some other things.
  • Other people seeing the photo

    Other people seeing the photo
    Vonnie got a message from Chelsea Graybin of Ashley naked. So everyone at her cross country practice were all giggling around her, because they had all seen it. Even Vonnie's other friends got it too. After Vonnie's revenge to Kaleb for him breaking up with Ashleigh, Kaleb seeked revenge by sending the picture to other people.
  • Kaleb's apology

    Kaleb's apology
    Kaleb apologized to Ashleigh and her family saying how sorry he was for his part in what happened. She thinks he didn't say sorry because he really felt sorry, but because he was told to say sorry to help him out on his side of the case. She felt that the apology was not specific enough, and wanted a better apology.
  • What started it all

    What started it all
    Ashleigh's friend Sarah's brother, Vonnie found out, was the one who spread the photo out to everyone.
  • Ashleigh tells her story

    Ashleigh tells her story
    Ashleigh and Mack went to an old skate park no one goes to, and they slid down the ramps in their bare socks. She told him her story of how she got into community service, and how she was scared to death of when she was pulled into the police station for her first meeting, when they decided she would be going to community service. They went nice on her, because she didn't mean to be a "sex offender," and embarased having to tell her parents she was drunk when she took the photo.
  • Hurtful words

    Hurtful words
    Everyone at her school, in the halls, in her classes, are calling her a whore, a slut, etc, and she's trying to pretend she can't hear/see them. Ashleigh sat with her friends at lunch, and took her pain out on them, Vonnie was trying to calm her down, and Rachel was trying to get sympathy from the table because she was asked if she was lesbians with Ashleigh. Ash is in so much pain, she feels like crying, and her mom is wondering what is wrong but she won't tell her.
  • Her dad getting involved

    Her dad getting involved
    Ashleigh's dad, who is the super intendent, got a call from her principal at school, Principal Adams, who said students have been causing mischief with their phones lately, so her dad wants to get to the bottom of it. Ashleigh knows it's about the photo of her, and he'll find out about it.
  • Ash's favorite places

    Ash's favorite places
    Ashleigh's place she likes to hang out at is the strip mall, where they have a thrift shop. She likes to go there and look at the stuff there because you never know what their story is behind them. Her go to place to work out and release stress is to run threw the woods that lead behind the back of her subdivision. She took Mack to those places and bought him a beige-and-black-houndstooth fedora with a red feather glued in the band.
  • The suspension

    The suspension
    Principal Adams got some complaint calls to him from parents about a message their child got with the nude photo attached. Ash was dragged to the principals office, got questioned about what happened, then was suspended from school, and from the cross country team. She gathered up her things, and was picked up by her dad, and he said nothing to her. Rachel was suspended for putting Ahleighs name and number in the picture, and Nate was suspended for spreading the photo around.
  • Late night police meetings

    Late night police meetings
    Ashleigh's dad is having late night meetings with the cops now, talking about Ashleigh going to prison, and different things about the situation their in with the photo. A news reporter is snatching the story of the photo, interviewing her dad because the story is more valuable knowing who took the picture was the superintendent's daughter.
  • Getting back from suspension

    Getting back from suspension
    Since Rachel and Ashleigh are court ordered to have nothing to do with each other, Ashleigh had to stay away, meaning Vonnie chose Rachel over her because Ashleigh would make Vonnie look bad. After Vonnie comes over to Ashleigh's house, Ash forgives Vonnie for being a terrible friend, and when Ashleigh told Vonnie to choose between Rachel or her, she chose Ashleigh.
  • Mack's memory lane

    Mack's memory lane
    Ashleigh hung out with Mack after community service at the old skate park again, and the creek he promised to take her to. They went in a drainage ditch underneath a street leading to the creek. Some Graphity from his dad and him tagging the wall together when he was younger. Mack is a nickname his dad called him because he's always been big like a truck, his real name is Henry. He asked her if she wanted to tag the wall and all she thought about was "Slut up for grabs!" She ran out.
  • Mack's life

    Mack's life
    Both of Mack's parents are gone. He's homeless, and not court ordered to be at community service. Mrs. Mosley lets him stay there to have somewhere to go in the afternoons, because he quit school and has no where to go.
  • The big meeting

    The big meeting
    Theres a big meeting going to take place about Ashleigh's photo upstairs at the community service building, going to dicuss if Ashleigh's dad as superintendent must resign or step down. Ash and Mack hung posters on the walls during the board meeting of a picture she took saying a picture is worth a thousand words, but not all tell the whole story. Her father did not get resigned or fired.
  • No more hatred

    No more hatred
    Ashleigh sat with Vonnie , and her 2 friends, when Rachel comes to the table, wants to sit with Vonnie, and demands that Ash leaves. Ash stood up to her and told her I'm sitting with Vonnie and you can sit some where else. Ash also said to Rachel that she was done with her. Then 2 girls in the hall called her names and Ash stood up to them saying you can call me whatever you want, I don't care anymore.
  • Just Ash being herself

    Just Ash being herself
    Ashleigh didn't care what anybody else said about her, only Ash could define who she was, she went to the creek in the drainage ditch with Mack and with silver spray paint, she sprayed an A.