Mariam lives far from her father, but she has a certain affection for him
This because he considered her an harabi. -
Mariam decides to see her father so she runs away, goes to her father's house, but he refuses her.
For her fifteenth birthday she decided that she have to see his father, towards which she feels a particular affection -
Mariam returns home after searching for her father, and finds her mother hanged.
Mariam goes live with her father
He considered her an "harami", an illigitimate daughter -
First miscarriage of miriam
Mariam's father finds her husband, Rashid.
Her husband is an old widower who wants a son at all costs and mariam is forced to have one with him -
Mariam's life is hell, Mariam's life is hell, she continues to experience the same traumas every day.
The story of Laila
in the next house lives Laila, who is in love with Tariq -
Tariq goes at war
Laila is very sad and even her family wants to move from Afghanistan -
A bomb on Laila's house
Her mother and her father died because of the bomb. She, instead, she is seriously injured so Mariam and her husband took care of her. -
Rashid considered Laila as a second wife
Laila knows of the fake news of Tariq's death and marries Rashid, giving him two children: Aziza (who is actually the son of Tariq) and Zalmai. -
Friendship between Mariam and Laila
Laila and Tariq meet
Aziz tells the father of the meeting between his mother and Tariq -
Rashid, infuriated, strikes Laila for what he did
Laila and Mariam react and end up killing Rashid
Laila marries Tariq and they move to Pakistan
Here Laila discovered that Mariam's father is looking for his daughter because he wants apologize