• Mariam is born to Jalil and Nana

  • Mariam turns fifteen. Mariam headed down to Herat for the first time to see Jalil. He shuts her out and the next day Mariam returns to the kolba and finds out that Nana committed suicide.

  • Mariam moves in with Jalil after Nana's burial. After a week or so, Mariam is married off to Rasheed and they move to Kabul.

  • Rasheed is angry at Mariam because she cannot produce any children for him.

  • Laila is born that night.

  • Laila turned eleven. She, her parents, and Hasina watched last of the Soviet convicts leave their city.

  • Tariq leaves Kabul for Pakistan

  • Laila’s house gets bombed and her parents die. Rasheed takes Laila in and wants to marry her.

  • Rasheed took Laila to his shop and Laila felt the baby kick for the first time.

  • Laila has her daughter, Aziza. Rasheed becomes angry at Laila for having a baby girl.

  • Zalmai is born

  • Tariq returns to Kabul

  • Mariam murders Rasheed

  • Mariam dies

  • Laila,Tariq,Aziza and Zalmai move to Pakistan

  • Laila and her family return to Kabul