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A Thousand Splendid Suns

  • Life Changing Suicide

    Life Changing Suicide
    Book: Nana committed suicide
  • World

    World: Speed limit decreased to 55 mph on highways.
  • 1974 (a week later)

    1974 (a week later)
    Book: Mariam tries to move in with Jalil and gets married to Rasheed.
  • New Change

    Afghanistan: Khan, the leader of Afghanistan, has granted women rights and safer jobs. Moreover, He wants to include more job opportunity for both women and men.
  • Death Among the leader

    Afghanistan: Khan is killed and sets the country towards a communist government. New party takes over and causes conflict with another party.
  • Military planes

    Military planes
    Book: Military planes all over Kabul. The rebels attacked the Presidental palace.
  • World

    World: Minimum wage: $2.65 Turning right on a red light was allowed throughout the United Sates of America.
  • Killing

    Afghanistan: An American Ambassador Adolph Dubs is killed which leads to America severing the alliance they once had.
  • Control

    Book: Soviet Union attempted to gain control of Afghanistan with a military invasion.
  • Mariam's life

    Mariam's life
    Book: Mariam was not able to produce babies with Rasheed, so he would be really mad. ,
  • World

    World: In April of 1981, NASA launched the very first space shuttle mission (Columbia)
  • Tariq

    Book: Tariq steps on a landmine and loses his leg and is taken to south Ghazmi.
  • War Effects

    War Effects
    Afghanistan: In about 3 years war between the parties caused great damaged and had over 3.7 million refugees. The refugees manly went to either Iran and Pakistan.
  • intro to Saudi Islamist Osama bin Laden

    Afghanistan: Osama bin Laden comes to aid the anti-soviet group.
  • World

    World: Soviet Union cancelled history exams because of the increased governments transparency that the textbooks were filled with lies.
  • War

    Book: The treaty in Geneva was signed. The war was between Afghans and Soviets (9 months).
  • Alqaida is Formed

    Afghanistan: Osama bin Laden and 15 other islamists form Alqaida to defend them selves and continue their "Holy War".
  • Laila's Life

    Laila's Life
    Book: Laila saw her parents and Hasina died from the soviet convicts leave their city.
  • Peace is made

    Peace is made
    Afghanistan: America, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the soviet sign a peace treaty. This treaty includes the removal of 100,000 soviet troops
  • Removal Of the Soviet communist

    Removal Of the Soviet communist
    Afghanistan: The Alqaida group removes Mohammad Najibullah who was president and puppet of the soviet.
  • Rebellion

    Afghanistan: Rebellion group join forces and storm Kabul to take out the president.
  • World

    World: John Gotti, head of the Gambino crime family, is sentenced to life in prison.
  • Struggles

    Novel: Constant struggles in West Kabul between the warlords Sayyaf and Hazaras.
  • Women's freedom

    Women's freedom
    Book: Women were getting new rules that were not giving them any kind of freedom.
  • America defends Najibullah

    Afghanistan: America sends troops to Kabul to help Najibullah. With strong efforts to keep him in power the groups of rebellion took over most of Kabul.