Dr. Manette is imprisoned in the Bastille
Before Dr. Manette is imprisoned he meets the Evremonde brothers. One of the brothers has raped a woman and killed her husband, brother, and, indirectly, her father. Manette is imprisoned when the brothers find out that he is trying to tell the minister about what they've done. While in prison, Manette takes up shoe making. -
Lucie Manette is born!
Lucie Manette's mother dies
Since Lucie's father, Alexander Manette, has disappeared Lucie is assumed an orphan and taken by Mr. Jarvis Lorry of Tellson's and Co. to London. -
Lucie and Mr. Lorry travel to Saint Antione
Jarvis Lorry and Lucie Manette meet up and go to Paris. Lucie finds out that her father is not dead and is, in fact living in a wine shop. Dr. Manette has been rescued from prison and has been taken care of by Earnest Defarge and his wife. Manette can only identify himself as the number of his prison cell: 105 North Tower. -
Charles Darney goes on trial in London
Charles Darney is tried for treason in the Old Bailey in London. Lucie, Dr. Manette, and Mr. Lorry are all witnesses. Darney is saved when Sydney Carton points out their resemblance, proving that no positive identification can be established. -
Marquis Evrémonde runs over a child
Darney visits the Marquis
Charles Darney visits his uncle, the Marquis Evrémonde in France. Darney denounces his inheritance that night. In the morning, the Marquis is found murdered. -
Carton tells Lucie that he loves her
Charles Darney and Lucie Manette are married
On the day of their wedding, Darney tells Dr. Manette his true last name and Manette has a mental relapse. -
Funeral for Roger Cly
Jerry Cruncher witnesses a funeral for Roger Cly (a spy and witness against Charles Darney in the case in 1780). Cruncher later goes on to dig up Cly's grave but finds it empty. -
John Barsad appears as a spy for the French monarchy
John Barsad was also a witness against Charles Darney in the case in 1780. -
Little Lucie Darney is born
Storming of the Bastille
The storming of the Bastille also signals the start of the French Revolution. -
Gabelle taken prisoner
French decree abolishes all titles of nobility
Charles Darney arrested
When he arrives in Paris, Darney is arrested for being an emmigrant and an arristocrat. -
Duty draws both Jarvis Lorry and Charles Darney to Paris
Mr. Lorry is going to Paris to take care of the property in the Paris branch of Tellson and Co.. Darney has recieved a letter from his faithful servant Gabelle asking Darney to come back to Paris and save him. This is what causes Darney's secret return to France. Darney is not aware of all of the danger he may be in. -
Lucie and Dr. Manette arrive in Paris
The Manettes arrive around the time of the September massacres. Dr. Manette uses his influence to protect Darney. -
Darney is tried, aquitted and released but is then reaccused.
When Darnye is first tried, Dr. Manette uses his influence to have Darney freed. Darney is then released and allowed to go home. Darney is reaccused by the Defarges and is taken prisoner again. When Darney is retried, he is found guilty and sentanced to death. -
Carton takes Darney's place
In order to keep Lucie happy, Sydney Carton takes Darney's place at the guillotine and is killed instead.