A Sound of Thunder

  • Introduction

    In the begenning of the storie we meet the Protagonist,Eckels. He goes to a Time Safari company. That offers you go to the past and you can shoot anything you want. Before he could go he had to pay $10,000 to the clerk.
  • Rising Action

    Eckels meet Mr. Travis, the guide and his assistant Lesperance. They enter the time machine meeting Billings and Kramer the others who joined the hunt. The machine starts and soon enough they were in the time of the dinosaurs. Travis points out a metal path into the jungle. He tells the hunters to not leave the path or a butterfly effect will happen.
  • Climax

    They spot the gigantic T-Rex that they are allowed to hunt and then Eckels gets scaried. He runs off the path in a panic.
    Travis gets mad at Eckels for going off the path because the business could lose a lot of money. He threatens to leave Eckels.
  • Falling action

    Travis made Eckels dig the bullets out the T-Rex. Then the machine starts traveling forward in time. When they arrived back at the office. they notice that the sign is misspelled now. Eckels asks who won the presidential election and the man behind the desk said “Deutscher, of course!”.
  • Resolution

    Travis kills Eckels. ( a sound of thunder ) = gun shot.