The Short Stories

  • Happy Family

    Happy Family
    Chris after 4 years dating his girlfriend finally decides to propose the woman he loves, Beth. After Beth gaves birth, thier child Eian, which resembled both Beth's eyes and Chris's brown hair. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy verus isolation, the crisis is finding the right person to spend the rest of their life in, rather then live alone.
  • His Hobbies

    His Hobbies
    Eian just got to high school, so decided to join sport and found that he liked swimming. His mother saw he liked swimming and supported him till the end of his swimming career. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity versus confusion, the crisis is finding yourself and finding what you like to do, which will reflect your future decisions in your life, rather then choosing something a having second thoughts.
  • Love that is Forever

    Love that is Forever
    Beth is at the cemetery looking upon Chirs's grave and looks back at her life with him, she looks to the sky starts tearing up, but with a slight smile because she knew saying yes to his proposal was the best decision of her life. In Erikson's eighth stage, integrity versus despair, the crisis is accepting a fun life that made wonderful memories, rather than regreting and wishing some never happened.