A Rose for Emily Timeline

  • Family Argument & rift between family forms

    The father argues with extended family. Rift between the family forms.
  • Father dies

    Father dies
    Emily's father dies. After he died, she was in shock and denial of his death.
  • Period: to

    Emily gives china painting lessons

    Emily Gives china painting lessons for young people. People stop coming, so she stops giving the lessons.
  • Men put lime around Emily's house

    Men put lime around Emily's house to get rid of a smell that had developed. The mell had developed randomly and none of the townspeople knew where it came from.
  • Town gets contract for sidewalks.

    The town gets a contract for paved sidewalks. This is where the "new south" begins to develop.
  • Homer comes into town

    Homer comes into town. Emily and Homer get to know each other.
  • Emily's taxes are remitted

    Emily's taxes are remitted for as long as she lives by Colonel Sartoris. Everyone feels sorry for her.
  • Minister goes to Emily

    The minister goes to Emily & does an interview. Whatever Emily said the minister cannot say it to anyone else.
  • Emily gets poison

    Emily gets poison
    Emily gets some poison but won't tell what it is for. The pharmacist wants to know but just gives her the poison.
  • Aldermen come for taxes

    Aldermen come for taxes
    The aldermen come for taxes. Emily says she has no taxes in Jefferson
  • Emily dies

    Emily dies from old age at 74. She dies of old age.
  • Homer's skeleton is found

    The townspeople find Homer's skeleton in the attic/upstairs bedroom in the house after Emily died. The townspeople now know that Emily wasn't all they thought she was.