A Rose for Emily

By 11894
  • Dad died

    She really loved her dad. He was the only thing she had. Then he died of old age.q`1\
  • Homer came

    Homer came and started working on construction. Soon after he started talking to Emily.
  • Sisters Argued

    The sisters came back to town before their dad died. They argued about the past.
  • Colonel Died

    The Colonel died after he did the taxes. He made the tax for her dad then it passed down to her.
  • Homer came back

  • People sneak dissed Emily and Homer

    People didn't like seeing them together. They did at first then they didn't like it. They tried to break them up.
  • Bought poison

    Soon before she bought poison. After that Homer came up missing. She killed Homer.
  • Sisters drove Homer away

    The sisters came back after their dad died. They went to Emily and complained after him. So he left then came back after they left.
  • Bought lime

    Soon after she bought poison. After that Homer came up missing. She killed Homer.
  • Sheriff came for tax money

    The officials were mad that Emily didn't have to pay taxes. They told her over and over that she had to. She said i do not have to.
  • Emily died

    Emily died and everyone acted like her friend. She died peacefully next to her love Homer. The taxes still stand.
  • People sneak dissed

    People said how they were her friend. They said they knew everything bout her when they didn't.