Dec 21, 1033
Emily's father dies.
Jan 22, 1034
Emily starts seeing Homer Barron.
Feb 21, 1034
Pastor visits Emily to talk about Homer Barron, but leaves and doesn't want to talk about it.
Mar 25, 1034
Her cousins come to visit.
Apr 19, 1034
She buys arsenic.
Apr 30, 1034
She buys towels and a men's suit.
May 17, 1034
Homer Barron disappears in her house.
May 29, 1034
She kicks men out who complain about a smell
Jun 15, 1034
Her taxes are remitted.
Jul 12, 1034
She gives china painting lessons
Aug 16, 1034
The new generation asks her to play taxes.
Sep 14, 1034
Emily dies.
Oct 15, 1034
The ladies come in the house but the servant runs out the back door.
Nov 10, 1034
They break into the bedroom and find Homer Barron's body with Emily's grey hair beside it.