A Rose for Emily

  • Emily Born

    Emily's birthday, her mother isn't known. She is raised as an only child by her father.
  • People see Emily with Homer

    The towns people notice that Emily and Homer spending more time together. They continue to gossip about her.
  • The towns people show support for Emily

    They say sorry and feel bad for her. They still continue to gossip about her
  • Homer Barren comes to town

    Homer Barren comes to town
    Homer and Emily "officially" start to date. Said by the towns people.
  • Emily's father dies

    Emily's father dies
    Mr. Grierson dies when Emily around 30. She is then left alone.
  • Homer leaves town

    The sidewalks are finished and Homer leaves town. The people think they broke up
  • Emily buys poison

    Emily buys poison
    Emily buys poison and says it is for rats. The towns people are suspicious.
  • The strange smell

    A strange smell develops around Emily's house. A woman complains about it to the mayor.
  • Emily's taxes are remitted

    The men of the town believe that Emily should begin to pay her taxes again. She refuses.
  • Attempt to collect Emily's taxes

    Alderman goes to Emily's but she refuses to pay the taxes. So they don't try again
  • Smell is gone

    The people of the town spread lime to get rid of the smell.
  • Emily gives painting lessons

    Emily gives china-painting lessons to children. She stops around 10 years before death.
  • Emily dies

    She dies at age 74. They people think she died alone
  • Homer's skeleton

    Homer's skeleton
    6 months after her funeral they enter her house. They then find homers skeleton on the same bed she slept on.