A New Nation.

  • A Tariff War

    A Tariff War
    A war that kept products made in other states other states out of Pennsylvania. Each state would place taxes, called tariff duties, on all goods that came in. This put many people were out of work because of the Tariff War.
  • Constitution

    The US constitution is drafted in Philadelphia PA. This document strengthens the federal government.
  • Problems of the New Government

    Problems of the New Government
    Both the national Articles of Confederation and the State Constitution of Pennsylvania were written during wartime. It was necessary, then, to have a form of government at the state and federal levels that allowed the government to do whatever was necessary to win the war. It soon became clear that both the federal government of Pennsylvania had many weaknesses.
  • Fries Rebellion

    Fries Rebellion
    German Americans of eastern Pennsylvania rose to protest another direct tax. This time the tax was on land, houses, and slaves.
  • A New State Constitution

    A New State Constitution
    Pennsylvanians were becoming dissatisfied with their state constitution in 1776. A new state constitution was patterned in 1790.
  • The First Political Parties

    The First Political Parties
    The first political parties were formed when the people of the United States had strong feelings about how much power the federal government should have. Federalists wanted a strong national government, controlled by the rich, the able, and the well-born. Democratic-Republicans had more confidence that the common people were capable of governing.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The treaty of Paris had officially ended the Revolutionary War between the United States and Great Britain, but British ships still harassed American ships on the ocean. In the end, neither country won or lost land, what the war did was convince the country that it could that it could fend off any foreign threats.
  • The Battle of Lake Erie

    The Battle of Lake Erie
    The Battle of Lake Erie was fought between Britain and the United States. Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry was put in charge of American naval forces. Within a few hours, Perry had defeated the British and caused their commander to surrender.
  • Treaty of Ghent Ends the War

    Treaty of Ghent Ends the War
    The War of 1812 dragged on while the United States was still battling the British until finally the Americans finally were able to reach a peace treaty with England. The Treaty of Ghent officially ended the War of 1812.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    An excise tax by the government on whiskey. A rebellion was soon formed to try and get rid of the tax.