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A New Nation

  • Articles Of Confederation

    Articles Of Confederation
    The Articles were meant to create a Union among the states that gave most of the power in the Government to the states themselves.
  • Constitution

    The United States Constitution is drafted In Philadelphia Pennsylvania. This document strengthens the Federal Government.
  • A New State Constitution

    A New State Constitution
    The old Constitution had weaknesses, so a new one was made. This Constitution divided the government in to three branches.
  • The Bill Of Rights

    The Bill Of Rights
    Many who opposed the New Constitution did not want to sign until it contained A Bill Of Rights. It was Added several years later.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    The Government made an Excise Tax on Whiskey, and this hurt the farmers who made Whiskey from the corn they grew. The farmers and other Frontiersmen rebelled against the Federal Government. Efforts to collect taxes failed which made the government more determined to enforce it. The Whiskey Rebellion strengthened the power of the Federal Government to enforce the law.
  • The First Political Parties

    The First Political Parties
    People had strong feelings about how much power the Federal Government should have, so Political Parties were formed.
  • Fries Rebellion

    Fries Rebellion
    When an undeclared war broke out between the U.S and France, President Adams, asked Congress to raise money to fund for the Army and Navy. To provide for this, new taxes were proposed on land, houses, and slaves.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    After the Revolutionary War, British ships still harassed American ships on the clean and forcing some Citizens to join the British Navy. U.S officials complained, but British officials ignored. This all continued throughout the 1790’s. Until 1812, when President Madison asked for a Declaration of War, deciding British Violations could no longer continue.
  • The Battle of Lake Erie

    The Battle of Lake Erie
    Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry was put in charge of Naval Forces on Lake Erie. He was forced to flee to the Niagara. The Niagara and other American ships attacked the British. Within a few hours Perry had defeated the British an cause their commander to surrender.
  • The Treaty Of Ghent

    The Treaty Of Ghent
    News of the Treaty reached America slowly. However, the British didn’t know, so they attacked New Orleans. General Jackson defeated a large force of British Troops, and became a National Hero.