Screenshot 2019 03 12 at 8.47.55 am

A Nation Divided

  • Wilimot Proviso

    Wilimot Proviso
    August 8, 1846, The proposal to prohibit slavery in the western part of the US.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    January 29, 1850, the fugitive slave act.
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Kansas - Nebraska Act
    1854, the east wanted to finish the transcontinental railroad first.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    1857, a black man wanted his freedom after he was north but his owner got him then the supreme court agreed with the owner so then the slaves had to escape good.
  • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is first published

    "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is first published
    1857, a black man wanted his freedom after he was north but his owner got him then the supreme court agreed with the owner so then the slaves had to escape good.
  • Lincoln - Douglas Debate "A House Divided Against itself can not stand."

    Lincoln - Douglas Debate "A House Divided Against itself can not stand."
    Started) August 21, 1858 (Ended) October 15, 1858, Aberham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas were competing for senate.
  • John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia

    John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
    October 16, 1859, John Brown wanted to arm lots of slaves and move them north to their freedom but they didn't comply
  • John Brown's Masacre at Pottawatomie Creek

    John Brown's Masacre at Pottawatomie Creek
    December 2, 1859, Raided the Creek with him and all of his his sons got killed.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected as a Republican President

    Abraham Lincoln is elected as a Republican President
    November 6, 1860, Lincoln is elected 16th president.
  • South Carolina Secedes from the Union

    South Carolina Secedes from the Union
    December 20, 1860, South Carolina Seceded from the union and realized that the north was better,
  • Confederate States of America are formed

    Confederate States of America are formed
    The confederate states were formed and they were trying to secede from the USA.
  • Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina

    Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina
    April 12, 1861, the confederate troops attacked the fort because they felt South Carolina was their property