A look at WW1

  • Period: to


  • It begins!

    It begins!
    Heir to the throne of Austria Fracis Ferdinand is assasinated in Savajevo. The assasains were Serbian.
  • Germany picks allies.

    Austria is promised support from Germany agaainst Serbia.
  • Austria vs Serbia

    Austria declares war on Serbia. This was because of the Serbian nationalist that killed the next monrch.
  • War starts!

    -Austria bombs Serbian Capital.
    -German patrols cross French border.
  • Germany backs Austria

    Germany supports Austria and declares war on Russia (Serbia's ally) and later on France, Germany uses the Schlieffen Plan, a tatic that plans to end the war early by defeating France before Russia can assemble their army, they invade France through Belgium.
  • Great Britan enters WW1

    Great Britan enters WW1
    Britan enters WW1 by declaring war on Germany, Australia now involved.
  • German New Guinea

    German New Guinea
    German New Guinea was an island that was part of the German empire. It was located near Australia. The Australians saw it as a threat in WW1 so they attacked resulting in 6 dead Australians and the small German force surrendering.
  • Ypres

    First battle of Ypres. Ypres was a main point in the war and many battles were fought there.
  • Turkey joins Germany

    Turkey joins Germany
    Turkey enters WW1 by teaming up with Germany. Germany, Austria and Turkey form the central powers.
  • Defence of Suez Cannal

    Defence of Suez Cannal
    Turkish forces planned to take the Suez cannal by suprise from the British. The forces were deafeated by the Indian army.
  • Ypres and poison gas

    The 2nd battle of Ypres. Thi is the first time Germans use poison gas.
  • Gallapoli landing (4 events- 1 event further on)

    Gallapoli landing (4 events- 1 event further on)
    Landing by ANZACS on Gallapoli.While the ANZACs tried to take it British troops landed in Cape Helles but were held back by Turkish forces, this gave the Turks more time to gather their forces.The battle of lone pine sees the ANZACs battle using the sun hitting the enemy as an advantage. Battle of Nek on 7th of Aug, many ANZACs die during a bayonet charge.
  • Italy enters

    Italy enters the WW1. They declare war on Germany and Austria.
  • End of the Gallipoli campaign (part of 5 events in campaign)

    End of the Gallipoli campaign (part of 5 events in campaign)
    Gallapoli evacuted by ANZACs. A very costly campaign for the Australians, 8000 Australians died.
  • Conscription

    Conscription introduced in Brittan. All 18 and over fit to fight have to.
  • Somme

    The battle of Somme went from the 1st of july till the 18th of November. It was the main Allied attack on the western front. One third of British forces were killed (58,000 soldiers).
  • USA now involved

    USA now involved
    USA is now in WW1. USA declares war on Germany.
  • France fails

    France fails
    France takes the offensive on the western front and fails. The eastern front was the contetested land east to Germany.
  • Brittans offensive

    Brittan launches an offensive on the western front.
  • Truce!

    Armistice formed between Russia and Germany. An armistice is an agrement between 2 waring sides to stop fighting.
  • Jerusalem falls

    Jerusalem falls
    Jerusalem falls to the allies. Was seen as a morale boost for the allies after a bad year.
  • Treaty

    The "Brest-Litovsk treaty" was signed between Russia and Germany. It was a deal that saw the new comminust Russia back out of WW1.
  • Attack on Flanders

    Attack on Flanders
    Germans start attack on Flanders. Flanders was in Belgium and was faught for for most of the war.
  • Succussful advance for Allies

    The allies have a succussful advance. It was an attack on the exuausted German army positions on the Somme river.
  • Germany near defeat

    Germany asks the allies for an armistice. An armistice is a peace treaty.
  • German navy mutinied

    German navy mutinied
    German navy mutinied. It was called the Kiel mutiny and was caused when German comands ordered their navy to stage a final assault on the Brittish navy.
  • Turkey and Austria make peace

    Turkey and Austria make peace
    Turkey makes peace. Austria follows on the 3rd of November.
  • Monarch steps down

    Monarch steps down
    Kaiser William the 2nd steps down as German Monarch. Following Germanys witherinbg power in the war.
  • The end

    The end
    Germany surenders. This was due to their allies falling.
  • Peace

    Peace conference held in France. The league of nations idea was brought up here. This was a group of countrys that had to ensure war never broke out again.