A Long Walk to Water: Plot Timeline

  • Chapter 1: Salva

    Salva is an 11 year old boy. He was in school learning the Arabic language when all of a sudden he heard gunshots. His village was being attacked by the rebels and Salva had to run away.
  • Chapter 2: Salva

    Salva ran as far as he could. He wandered off and somehow found his home village. The village grouped together and started walking away from the war. The group encountered the rebels, although they were friendly to the children, women, and elder, they will send the men to the war. The group fell asleep, and in the next day, Salva woke up all alone.
  • Chapter 3: Salva

    Salva woke up and found out that everyone left him. He walked a long way, and he found a small pond that was next to a farm. He went into the farm and saw that a Dinka lady lived there. The lady offered him some raw peanuts. The lady said she had to leave because of the dry season, and Salva was alone yet again.
  • Chapter 4: Salva

    Salva found another group. It was a Dinka tribe, also trying to get away from the war. Salva approached the group, but as soon as the group saw him, they complained. They thought the kids were whining all the time, and they do not have enough food resource. But a women stood up for Salva and said nothing. They let Salva into group, and the woman gave salva some peanuts. The group walked, and walked, and walked. Salva was very hungry. He met a friend called Buksa, and he smelled honey, for food.
  • Chapter 5: Salva

    Salva's body was swollen with bee stings. The whole group was swollen and sting. These stings were made by bees. They tried to get honey comb. Although they got injuries, it was worth it. The group got enough honey comb, that the group didn't care about the stings. Salva had a full belly now, which helped him keep up with the group. Salva made a new friend along the walk. His name is Marial. They became best friends. After another long walk. Salva asked Mariel where they were going.
  • Chapter 6: Salva

    Salva met his uncle, which had been in the group of people more days then Salva. Later that afternoon, His uncle hunted a topi and Salva ate it all. After that he got sick along with the other people from the group. In the night. Salva's uncle woke him up. He didn't see his friend Marial anywhere, he began to worry.
  • Chapter 9: Salva

    Salva finally arrived to the desert. His uncle said it will take a few days. It was tough for Salva. He broke his toenail, and 9 men fell in the ground.
  • chapter 10: Salva

    Three of the men were revived with the water. Then Salva realized that uncle wasn't going to stay with Salva in Ethiopia. Two men from the Nuer tribe robbed eveyone except the little children, and sadly, shot Salva's uncle
  • chapter 11: Salva

    Salva and the group buried Salva's uncle. They didn't eat nor walk. The next day, Salva felt more braver than before. In the end they arrived to the camp. He saw an orange headscarf, and probably found her mother.
  • Chapter 12: Salva

    Salva realized that the women with the orange headscarf, wasn't her mother. He had remembered what uncle said. Now he knows what he meant
  • Chapter 12: Salva

    Salva is now 16 years old, near 17 years old. Rumors went that the camp was going to shutdown. Soldiers came and ordered them to leave the camp while shooting their weapons in air. The soldiers were pushing to Sudan again.
  • Chapter 13: Salva

    In the beginning, Salva and other people were forced to the river with strong currents. Some people drowned. Some got eaten by crocodiles. And some were shot by the soldiers. ye Salva survived. When he got to the other side, he became the leader of little boys. Then, they arrived to Kenya.
  • Chapter 14: Salva

    He arrived to the refugee. A lot of people were there, and a lot of fights broke out. Local people didn't like the the refugge. Salva decided to move more southeast and another refugee.
  • Period: to

    Chapter 15: Salva

    Salva is leaving Africa in a plane. That was his first experience soaring through the sky. He arrived to New York, where he met his new family, and new life. When the doors opened he felt a cold that he never felt before.
  • Chapter 16: Salva

    Salva has been in America for about six years now. He knows a little bit of English and he joined a volleyball team. One day he checked an E-mail saying that a cousin knows where Salva's father is. Then he does paper work to go back to Sudan. He arrives and he remembers everything like it was yesterday.
  • Chapter 1: Nya

    Nya is walking for a long time and it is hot.
  • Chapter 2: Nya

    Nya was walking in the hot day, trying to avoid thorns. She stepped on one of the thorns.
  • Chapter 3: Nya

    Nya finally arrived to the pond. She noticed a lot of people at the pond too. She filled her container with water, and off she went to her home.
  • Chapter 4: Nya

    Nya finally arrived at her home. Her mom put the water into three big jars. Nya could finally eat, and so she did. After she was done, Nya's mom offered Nya to take her sister, Akeer with her. Nya and her sister by her side, now have to go to the pond yet again.
  • Chapter 5: Nya

    Every year when the rains stopped and the pond near the village dried up, Nya's family moved to a camp near a big lake. They only lived there for 5 months.
  • Chapter 6: Nya

    Nya's family went on a hunting trip. Nya, her mom, and her sister stayed. Nya's mother was afraid when the rest of the famiy goes hunting because she worries they might find the Dinka tribe and hurt them.
  • Chapter 9: Nya

    It is almost time, for Nya's family to go to the camp. A jeep came into the village and two men came out. They spoke to village chief something about water.
  • chapter 10: Nya

    The men finally stopped talking. They pointed at two of the largest trees. They said it had water. Nya was confused because she knew where everything was.
  • Chapter 11: Nya

    Nya has to walk her two daily walks to the pond. Still. Nya still couldn't understand how they can find water near the big trees.
  • Chapter 12: Nya

    The men returned with a lot of equipment. Nya thought that the trucks and drills, were giraffes. Also a lot of people were working together to find water. But still. No one found it
  • Chapter 13: Nya

    The drill workers kept patching some leaks to get some water. The boss has an assistant
  • chapter 14: Nya

    Water is finally coming out of the hole the men were drilling. When Nya looked at it, she saw that it was still unclean water.
  • Chapter 15: Nya

    Someone told the kids that they have to dig deeper to get clean water/
  • chapter 16: Nya

    Nya's dad is clearing up the second big tree.