A Lifelong Learning Journey

  • Kindergarten

    I was a mischievous kindergartener at Jensen Elementary School in Saline, Michigan.
  • High School

    My elementary and middle school years are mostly a blur. I was the youngest of five girls so our household was busy. High school was typically adolescentishly painful, but I did enjoy being a part of the Saline High School Marching Band!
  • Michigan State University

    Michigan State University
    I earned a BA in English from MSU. The campus was always such a beautiful place for long quiet walks. I dreamed of becoming an author!
  • University of Michigan

    University of Michigan
    The world of Library Science caught my attention earlier in life; my favorite aunt was a librarian. The month after graduation I headed to Cambridge, Massachusetts where I worked as a Special Librarian for a consulting firm. BBN was instrumental in the development of packet switching, an important building block for the growing computer phenomenon: the Internet!
  • University of Minnesota

    University of Minnesota
    As my daughters moved through elementary school, I wanted to keep up with their reading interests. I signed up for an Adolescent Literature course, met several innovative English teachers and decided I wanted to teach the way they did! I was a member of UMN's first post-bac cohort in Secondary English Education and earned my second master's degree from a third Big Ten school.
  • Dexter Community Schools

    Dexter Community Schools
    A drive through the county on a rainy day brought me to Dexter Schools. I followed a rainbow (literally!) and found a new building under construction. I called to ask if the school district was hiring; applied; and started my Dexter career 3 months later!
  • Travel

    Would I go back? You bet! Everywhere I've traveled has so much more to teach me!
  • Capella University

    Capella University
    It seemed appropriate to earn a degree in Instructional Design for Online Learning from an online institution. Capella is where I discovered my true learning style. The online learning environment makes learning stick for me! The ability to review everything that happens in the classroom, dig deeper, and enter into substantive discussions has been transformative.
  • Australia

    Traveling has always been top on my "To Do" list. We spent a warm, relaxing week in Brisbane, AU when we attended my daughter's wedding. The kangaroos were pretty sleepy in the warm weather.
  • France

    To de-stress, I watch a rolling slideshow of photos from a summer trip to Lyon, France. 10 days of bread, cheese, croissants, and lazy drives through the French countryside. Total bliss!
  • Reflective Teaching and Learning

    Reflective Teaching and Learning
    I love blended learning because it is reflective. TIme is built into the delivery for students (and teachers!) to pause, think, and purposefully respond to the learning. (image source = scottkim.com)
  • Learning Through Technology

    Learning Through Technology
    Whether it's alongside elementary, middle, high school, or adult learners -- I enjoy learning through technology.