when the phonogragh was invented
Thomas Alva Edison invented the phonogram using tin foil to play and record sound. -
Alexander Graham Bell inovated the phonogragh and the graphone was invented
Alexander Graham Bell inovated Thomas Edisons invention and created the graphophone using wax cylinders to play and record soun rather than tin foil. -
Sony invented the first cd player known as discman
Emile Berliner invented the gramaphone
the gramaphone was invented by Emile Berliner. The gramaphone was the first music device that used discs instead of wax cylinders. -
Gugliemo Marconi invented the wireless telegragh called the radio
He used waves to transmit morse code in his parents attic and invented what is known as the radio -
The campony Philips invented the cassette player
it works by reading a magtnetized cassette tapes. -
The company sony invented the portable cassete player
This invention included headphone jacks making it easy to transport and keep the music to yourself -
The company Sony invented the fist compact disc player
they used digital-to- analouge converters to transer the digital music to sound. they use laser beams to read the discs. -
The company Microsoft invented the first MP3 player
the mp3 player was able to play music electronically which is songs stored numerically formed. the can hold up to a thousand songs. -
Music Now
recorded music now is on phones, mp3 players, ipods, tablet devices, cds, and probably many more