Mussolini Takes Power In Italy
Mussolini was elected in 1922. Some of his promises were that he would give pride and glory to the country of Italy. He also became dictator during this time. -
U.S. Stock Market Crashes
The crash was bound to happen but there were no signs of it to the American people. But in reality there were. In March 1929, there was a mini-crash and prices were starting to get low. American buying starting to get lower. House- buying, car- buying. etc. -
Japan seizes Manchuria
Manchuria was not complying with Japan. So they decided to make a move and seize them. -
FDR elected President
Before becoming president, he was elceted Assistant Secratary of the Navy. In 1928, he became governer of New York. He was elected president in 1932. He did more in the first 100 days in office then any other president did. -
Hitler Named Chancellor
Hitler demanded for new elections. Paul von Hinderberg would argue the fact which led to Hitler becoming Chancellor. -
Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler defied the Treaty of Versailles by increasing the size of the German military. -
U.S. Neutrality Act
The U,S, Neutrality Act was used to preserve the neutrality and the peace of the United States and to secure the safety of its citizens and their interests. -
Italy Invades Ethiopia
The Italian invasion of Ethiopia meant that the Stresa Front was at an end. German dictator Adolf Hitler supported the Italian invasion before it was launched . -
France Militarizes the Rhineland
On March 7, 1936 German Took Over Rhineland and it was different because it violated the terms of the Locarno Treaties and was the first time German troops been in the region since the end of WWI. -
Civil War Erupts In Spain
The reason for the civil war was because of some events that occurred in Madrid. -
Japan Invades China
After defeating Manchuria, Japan decided to invade China fearing the unity. I return, China retaliated. -
Anschluss was a political union of Austria with Germany, achieved through annexation by Adolf Hitler in 1938. -
Munich Conference
The Munich Conference was held in Munich
with the leaders of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy. -
This was a government-sponsored outbreak of violence against the Jews in Germany - a pogrom. It began in the night of 9-10 November 1938 and lasted for some days. -
Natzi Soviet Pact
The Nazi- Soviet Pact was an agreement between Germany and Russia that promised neither would attack the other for 10 years. -
Phony War
After Germany subdued Poland, the war in Europe settled into a long, quiet lull that lasted through the winter and spring of 1939. Then in 1940, Germany launched a massive invasion
on Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and finally France. -
Germany Invades Poland
German forces bombard Poland on land and from the air, as Adolf Hitler seeks to regain lost territory and ultimately rule Poland. -
Churchill Is Elected Prime Minister In England
During WWII , Churchill lead Great Britain and because of the great work that he do he was later elected prime minister. -
Miracle at Dunkirk
The miracle was that a vastly greater number of troops than initially projected were rescued from their encircled position at Dunkirk. -
France Surrenders
incredible German war tactics was a major reason for France surrendering. -
Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain was the conflict fought between the RAF and the German Luftwaffe. -
Invasion of French Indo- China
This Happenned On September 22, 1940 -
Lend Lease Act
Lend-Lease was a program of the United States Federal government during World War II which enabled the United States to provide the Allied nations with war material while the US was still officially a neutral country. -
Atlantic Charter
The Atlantic Charter was a list of peace objectives agreed upon by two Allied leaders. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was a US Navy base located in Hawaii. Famously attacked by Japanese bombers in 1941.