World War One Ends
Hitler Becomes Leader of the Nazi Party
Hitler Becomes Chancler of Germany
Nazi's declare genrmanys only politicial party
Germany quits league of nations
Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of Germany.
Nuremberg Race Laws.
Hitler reveals his plans for the war.
Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass.
Nazi's smashed all the glass and looted Jewish houses as well as churches and other buildings. -
Nazi's begin to gas the mentally disabled
Germany invades Paris
Massive German air raids on London, Southampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool and Manchester.
Romania joins the Axis Powers
axis powers bieng germany, italy, and japan. -
Nazi's begin mass murder
On jews and other races. -
Jews are forced to wear yellow stars on the clothing
First uses of gas at Auschwitz.
Auschwitz was one of the major nazi death camps, or concentration camps during the war. -
America demands WAR
hitler commits suicide
two hours before his exuction.