A history of Education

By iwahab
  • Education Act 1944 (Butler)

    : set the structure of the post-war system of state education.
  • Percy Report: made recommendations regarding technological education in colleges and universities.

  • 1945 Scotland's Advisory Council on Education recommended a

    comprehensive system for all secondary pupils aged 12 to 16 with a common core curriculum and a common leaving exam.
  • Barlow Report: recommended more university places for science students.

  • Free milk provided for all pupils.

    Free milk provided for all pupils.
  • School leaving age raised to 15.

  • General Certificate of Education (GCE) introduced.

  • Crowther Report 15-18: recommended raising the school leaving age to 16 and the provision of further education for 15-18 year olds, questioned the value of day release provision for apprenticeships.

    age to 16 and the provision of further education for 15-18 year olds, questioned the value of day release provision for apprenticeships.
  • Education Act 1962: required LEAs to provide students with grants for living cost

    s and tuition fees; placed legal obligation on parents to ensure that children received a suitable education at school or otherwise - failure to comply could result in prosecution; made LEAs legally responsible for ensuring that pupils attended school.
  • Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) introduced

    in England and Wales (see the 1960 Beloe Report).
  • School Meals Agreement:

    teachers were no longer obliged to supervise children at lunchtimes.
  • Education (Milk) Act 1971 (image only): limited the provision of free milk in schools.

    1971 Education (Milk) Act 1971 (image only): limited the provision of free milk in schools.
  • 1973 School leaving age raised to 16.

  • Education (Work Experience) Act

    1973: allowed LEAs to organise work experience for final year school students. , this was later changed due to the education act to raise the leaving age.
  • Education Act 1980: a major act which instituted the assisted places scheme

    (public money for children to go to private schools), gave parents greater powers on governing bodies and over admissions, and removed the obligation on LEAs to provide school milk and meals.
  • Education (No. 2) Act 1986:

    required LEAs to state policies, governors to publish annual reports and hold parents' meetings; laid down rules on admissions, political indoctrination and sex education; abolished corporal punishment; ended Secretary of State's duty to make annual reports.
  • I am Born!

    this is the day i was born in marston green Birmingham !
  • 1999 Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA):

    1999 Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA): pilot schemes aimed at greater take-up of and achievement in post-16 education.
  • Year 6 sats

    I did my sats, i got a grade 4,4,4 which i taught was preety much average. i think the sats at year 6 are a good form of assessment after juniour school
  • My Work expereience at ASDA

    in reference to the education act for work experience in 1973, i was able to do a week work experience at a asda store. for me this was the first time i had experience the working world even tough it was stocking fruit juices i loved it. iwent out my way to apply for this experince by not informing the school, after i got the place i mentioned it to the work expericne staff. there were fuming!
  • i left school

    I left small heath secoundary school, to attend the sixthform, i left with 8 gcse. i was of the age of 15 beacuse of my birthday.
  • Joined sixthform to do my a-level

    I really had no idea to what i wanted to do after i left school, I knew that if i got to study furthur i would get 30 pound a week. This meant so much to me! and is really the reason why i studied furthur. I studeied biology/art and chemistry, i failed chemistry and picked up statistics!
  • 2007 School leaving age:

    government announced its intention to raise the SLA to 18, possibly in 2013.
  • 2007 GTC called for all national school tests for 7, 11 and 14 year olds to be scrapped.

    2007 GTC called for all national school tests for 7, 11 and 14 year olds to be scrapped.
  • 2008 Education and Skills Act 2008: raised the education leaving age to 18;

    2008 Education and Skills Act 2008: raised the education leaving age to 18; Key Stage 3 SATs effectively abolished.
  • Coventry University!

    I got a place, last minute through clearing at cov uni to study Bioscience. I only did it beacuse suddenyl decided not to pursue my interest in art. Just to let you know i had a place for fine arts, i considered to be a nurse to. But i really wanted to be a paramedic, just was no a pass driver at that time. but wahaaay im going to be a teacher now
  • 2009 Macdonald Report

    Independent Review of the proposal to make Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education statutory.
  • 2010 Higher education:

    2010 Higher education: fewer places and vastly increased tuition fees, the latter despite Liberal Democrat pre-election promises.
  • PGCE wolverhamton University

    Wahaaay!! im at wolverhamton University studying to be a fully qualified teacher!!