A Hero's Journey

  • 692 BCE

    How is the pattern of the hero’s journey demonstrated by various cultures around the world in various time periods?

    In Virgil's Aenid. Aeneas's is called to adventure, his city is overthrown. They attempt to build a new city they are driven out by plagues. Aeneas’s meets a princess and they fall in love. Aeneas goes to to battle.So no matter what time period many stories still follow the same archetype of the heros journey. The hero's journey pattern gives the reader insight about how things were accomplished. Various cultures do things different ways.It is vital to hear all side of the story,
  • 58 BCE

    How do archetypes inform our understanding of literature and the world?

    Julius Caesar writes Gallic Wars to inform those who are not knowledgeable about the far off lands and the kinds of people he ran into during these times of war. He gives insight about the preparations of war and what takes place during battle. He also gives insight about how him and his crew defeated many forces. Also by taking the reader through the archetypes it gives them close insight about how hero's accomplished their task and how they got in the position to accomplish it.
  • How are the hero, his/her quest, and his/her ideals still valid and useful in today’s world?

    The Rescuers is about two mice who save a little girl who was kidnapped by a evil women. Even though it is very unrealistic that mice can actually save a girl. It does highlight a realistic subject. Young children getting kidnapped is common today and is a very serious topic. So this movie like others highlights a very valid issue.
  • How has the hero’s journey myth been influential in shaping subsequent literature and film?

    Super hero's have been a very influential genre. Many movies and literature stem off of a super hero like character. A normal character with a secret super power. Like Superman he is a normal person but when he find out about his super human power, he moves to Metropolis to fight crime.
  • How do archetypes inform our understanding of literature and the world?

    In Disney's Moana it gives the reader insight about the life of a islanders. It shows the struggles and set backs they face. Moana's Island was running out of resources. it was too dangerous to sail past the reef. Moana had to think fast to save her island from despair. These ideas are still valid because some islands face these problems maybe not as much today but some definitely do. This also gives insight about how life is on a island, and give a little insight about the culture