Treaty of Paris
Britain takes over New France and calls it Quebec. Quebeis is made up of about 70 000 French Canadiens, 57 000 First Nations, and 300-500 English farmers and merchants. Canadian Encyclopedia -
Conflict between Britain and the First Nations
There was hostility between the First Nations and the British. The First Nations did not see the British as their rulers. The French had been conquered, but the First Nations still believed the British had no claim to their land. The First Nations attacked many British forts. The British were accused of germ warfare when they allegedly tricked the First Nations people into bringing cloth infected with small pox back to their village. -
The Royal Proclamation
King George III knew he needed to make peace with the First Nations People. He made Quebec smaller (just the area along the shores of the St. Lawrence) and desingated a much larger area as First Nations Territory. Canadiens could not live on this land. Only the government was allowed to purchase this land. If fur traders wanted to trap here, they needed a licence. Encyclopedia -
Period: to
Taxation of the Thirteen Colonies
Britain spent a lot of money fighting wars around the globe. They were in debt. To pay for these expensive wars, they began taxing people in the colonies. Taxes were placed on such items as sugar, stamps, glass, paper, paint, and tea. -
The Boston Tea Party
Colonists in the United Stated became frustrated with British and began to protest against the taxation. They boarded a ship and threw chests of tea into Boston harbour. These colonists were ready to fight for independence from Britain. History.com -
The Quebec Act
Britain decided to backtrack on the Royal Proclmation. They replaced it with the Quebec Act. It expanded the area of the Province of Quebec and extended religious and political rights for Catholics. Although the First Nations were still given the land around the Great Lakes, they were not happy with most of the changes. With the colonists in what is now United States beginning to prepare for a fight, the British knew they needed to do something to make the French-speaking colonists happy. -
Period: to
Loyal to Britain
Many colonists living in the thirteen colonies did not support the American Revolution. They wanted to stay a part of Britain. These people were called loyalists. Britain offered these people land in Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. About 50 000 people moved to the Bristish colonies. -
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The American Revolutionary War
Tired of the new taxes imposed by the British and angered by the Quebec Act, the Unted States fought for independence from Great Britain. After Quebec decided not to join the revolution, America invaded them. The invasion failed. -
The Declaration of Independence
Representatives of the thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia. They agreed that the United States was now an indpendent nation. The Declaration of Independence -
The Treaty of Paris
The Americans had won the Revolutionary War. In the Second Treaty of Paris, the British recognized the U.S. as its own country. The British also gave up land that they had previously blocked off for the First Nations people.