Haze, goes to the cancer support group to meet new people. Since she doesn't go to school
As she didn't go to school because of her sickness, her parents forced her to join a support group. This was because they wanted her to meat new people and have a life of a normal adolescent. This support group was form with kids that had cancer as her, so they understand each other, and they could help each other. -
Hazel meets Augustus in the support group the first day
The first day that hazel joins the support group, she meets this boy (they bump into each other), Augustus. The moment they saw each other they felt attracted. At first hazel didn't talk with anybody since in the first place she didn't want to go, but they parents forced her. But when she met Augustus it changed and she started talking to the people and opening herself -
They start dating
As the days passed agustus asked hazel to go out in a date. They went to the park and did a piknic. They talk about their life and their cancer experience. They felt very comfortable with each other since they lived similar expirinces and felt the same things. They had a lot of things in common, such as drop out of school because they were sick.
Later agustus left hazel in her house and went back to his -
They fall in love
They fell in love very quickly. So they started going out together every single day since both of them knew that with the sickness they had they never know if they'll wake up in the next day. They want to enjoy the most as possible -
They go to amsterdamn to meet the favorite writer hazel, Peter van houten
Every kid with cancel had that "desire trip" that their parents give to their kid. Hazel already did her (to Disney), but agustus didn't. So he decided that he wanted to do it with her. As hazel favorite writer lived in Amsterdam he decided to take hazel with him to Amsterdam so that she can meet him. This had som complications since hazel doctors didn't want to let her go because of her medication, but finally they did it and went to amsterdam. -
They go back home
After their amazing trip of two weeks, were hazel met her favorite writer. Even though we wasn't as hazel though it was she was happy because of meeting him. They go back home, luckily they didn't have any complication with hazel or agustus medication. -
Augustus gets very sick again (cancer), so they take him to the hospital
A week after they had arrived home, agustus started feeling really bad. So they took home to the hospital and he was in intense therapy. All of his famili and friends (hazel and Isaac) were very worried. As hazel knew that is was very possible that agustus could die she made him a "fake funeral" were she read him a letter she wrote for him. The same thing did Isaac that was his best friend. -
Agustus dies
After fighting a lot for his life he gives up and die. His family and friends prepared a beautiful funeral with his closed people he knew only, just as he wanted. When the funeral finish hazel revived a letter from her favorite writer, Peter VanHouted, saying that he was very sorry for her loss. Even though hazel knew this could happen she was devastated since agustus ment a lot to her.