A Family Torn Apart

  • The beginning of " The End"

    The beginning of " The End"
    Elsa and her family live in the western sector. Her other side of her family lives on the eastern side. One day she spends the night there with her cousin. When she wakes up, she realizes that she is now locked away from the western side which her family is at, and that she is stuck on the eastern side.
  • There Was No Way Out

    There Was No Way Out
    As Elsa is starting to realize how much she will be needing her new journal, the eastern government is thinking of new ways to make sure nobody is leaving the eastern side. While Elsa's family is trying to make ways to be together.
  • On The Saddest Day of Christmas

    On The Saddest Day of Christmas
    It was now Christmas, and Elsa still had not been able to connect with her family. She was still trying to keep calm and cheer up for her uncle and aunt
  • Happy Birthday to Me

    Happy Birthday to Me
    Today was Elsa's birthday. She is doing better on not dwelling over her problems. The wall to divide east and west Germany was complete. She also realized how people around er are basically being communist propaganda.
  • You Escape or You DIE

    You Escape or You DIE
    It was terrible. Elsa's cousin's friend died by trying to escape and climb the border but he was seen and shot by a guard. The guards let him bleed to death. The horrible part was that he was only 18!
  • My Hero

    My Hero
    Elsa was having a marvelous day. John Kennedy from the U.S.A came to visit Berlin. It was going to be on the radion for her because he visited West Berlin. She thought his words were very encouraging. John's speech was basically him explaining how he understands and he sympathizes with us. He told them that one day this would end.
  • Just when the Grief ended it really Just Began

    President and Elsa's Hero John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed.
  • The Worst Sweet 16 Ever

    Elsa was now 16 years old. She wanted to go to East Germany to see her parents and she could drive but she knew she could not cross the border.