Timeline 1

A Family Destroyed

  • The First Separation

    The First Separation
    Elsa went to her grandparents, but overnight the East German soldiers blocked off East and West Berlin.
  • A Stone Wall

    A Stone Wall
    Elsa has been separated from his family for a while now, and the eastern government is telling those by this wall they plan to build to move since they can easily escape through their house windows.
  • A Not So Merry Christmas

    A Not So Merry Christmas
    It's Christmas, and Elsa is still separated from her family only thinking of them and all the other Christmas days she's had.
  • A New Teaching

    A New Teaching
    It's Elsa's birthday; she's now 14.The wall has been built, and her teacher is changing to teach Soviet beliefs. Her uncle calls it "communist propaganda".
  • The Tragic Killing of Peter

    The Tragic Killing of Peter
    Peter, my cousin Alf's friend got killed for trying to escape by a boarder patrolman. He was left to bleed to death. It's horrible here.
  • Introducing John F Kennedy

    Introducing John F Kennedy
    Elsa felt like John F. Kennedy was talking to her while she listen to his speech through Radio Free Europe as he explained the situation.
  • Killing of John F Kennedy

    Killing of John F Kennedy
    The president of the U.S.A. John F. Kennedy was killed. Elsa is now grief-stricken, and doesn't want to write anymore.
  • 16 year old thoughts

    16 year old thoughts
    Elsa is now 16. She keeps thinking of West Berlin and her family. She was thinking of all the things she could do in West Berlin at 16.
  • Introducing A New President

    Introducing A New President
    Ronald Reagan spoke forcefully to the people hearing his speech. Elsa has a husband and 2 daughters now. She has grown up.
  • The People are Reunited

    The People are Reunited
    The Eastern German government said they destroy the wall. Many destroyed the wall, and people cried happy tears. She met her family again, and Elsa's kids now know what it's like to have freedom to travel.