A dramatist

  • Period: 1564 to


  • Feb 26, 1564

    His birth

    His birth
    He was born in Canterbury, England
  • 1574

    School years

    School years
    He attended The King's School in Canterbury (where a house is now named after him)
  • Science degree in Cambridge

    Science degree in Cambridge
    He studied on a scholarship and received his Bachelor of Arts degree
  • Period: to

    Plays and poems

    Dido, Queen of Carthage, 1586
    Tamburlaine, part 1, 1587, part 2,1587–1588
    The Jew of Malta, 1589
    Doctor Faustus ,1589, or, c. 1593
    Edward II,1592
    The Massacre at Paris, 1593
    Translation of Book One of Lucan's Pharsalia (date unknown)
    Translation of Ovid's Amores, 1580
    The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,1593
    Hero and Leander, 1593, unfinished; completed by George Chapman, 1598
  • Tamburlaine the Great

    His first play performed on the regular stage in London
  • Arrest and death

    A warrant for his arrest was issued on 18 May.
    On Wednesday, 30 May, the wrier was killed.
  • The first published play

    The first published play
    The Tragedie of Dido Queene of Carthage tells an intense dramatic tale of Dido and her fanatical love for Aeneas
  • After death

    After death
    His name has been used as a character in plays, novels, films and TV-productions. You can see The Muse of Poetry Memoriall in his native town