A Decade of Change

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    A Decade Of Change

  • French surrender

    French surrender
    40,000 Vietminh troops surrounded 15,000 french troops. the french held of for awhile hoping that we would come and save them. the U.S. wanted nothing to do with another war in europe so the french were forced to surrender.
  • The Geneva Conference

    The Geneva Conference
    Many countries met in Geneva, Switzerland to work out a peace agreement and arrange for Indochina's future. Vietnam was told to split at the 17th parrellel and there was to be a DMZ zone to prevent a war.
  • The Little Rock Crisis

    The Little Rock Crisis
    Group of nine black students went to attend an all white school. Angry whites harrassed them and at first the soldiers made them leave the school. Eventually president Eisenhower sent his own federal troops to protect them and get them into the school.
  • The civil war

    The civil war
    The north and south vietnam were in a full out civil war by the lat 1950s. the north supplied weapons to the vietminh rebels. The vietong assassinated many of the souths officials.
  • The sit-in movement

    The sit-in movement
    Four college students sat down in a food place and were not served food. They never left and did not get arrested. they stayed there all day until it closed. soon poeple around the country were all doing the same thing.
  • Black Muslims

    Black Muslims
    Members of the goup called the Nation of Islam. this was formed by Elijah Muhammad and he preached the message of black nationalism and self-relience.
  • The New Frontier

    The New Frontier
    While campaigning Kennedy used this name for his plan of changing the nation. Not everyone agreed with what he wanted to do. He had a hard time getting things to pass because he was denied the clear mandate.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Group of african americans would ride on a bus and at every stop they would try to use the white only facilities. they knew many people in the south would turn it into a crisis. this would turn in into national news.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs was an invasion of Cuba that was very inaffective. 1197 troops were taken prisoner and 89 were killed. Kennedy took full responsibility for the failure.
  • The Space Program

    The Space Program
    The Soviets had been into space before us and Kennedy did not want to be losing the race. He asked congress to fund missions of unmanned exploration of space. He also said that we will fly a man onto the moon and back to earth safely.
  • The Vienna Conference

    The Vienna Conference
    Kennedy hoped to ease tensions with the Soviet Union by meeting with Khrushchev. Instead Khrushchev demanded U.S. to recognize communist East Germany as independent Nation and withdrawl from West Berlin. The U.S. would not get bullied.
  • The Twenty-fourth Amendment

    The Twenty-fourth Amendment
    Congress passed it to the constitution and submitted it to the states for ratification. It banned states from taxing citizens. this was created so blacks would not get taxed when trying to vote.
  • The Cuban Missle Crisis

    The Cuban Missle Crisis
    The U.S. spy U-2 spy-plane detected SAMs in Cuba. The missles belonged to the Soviet Union and Kennedy believed once they were armed could be directed at the U.S. Kennedy ended up settling the dispute without any missles shot.
  • Revival of the Women's Movement

    Revival of the Women's Movement
    Many women were nearly one-third of American workers were woman. Woman although only made about 60 percent of what men earned. At home women were expected to be happy wives. Alot of the time they were not happy with their lives.
  • the assassination of Medgar Evers

    the assassination of Medgar Evers
    He was shot dead in his front yard shortly after presidents speech. he was the head of the NAACP in Mississippi. hes death shocked many.
  • The Kennedy Assassination

    The Kennedy Assassination
    Kennedy was working to build support for his re-election campaign in Texas in late 1963. He wanted to ride in an open car in order to feel closer to the people. He was on his way to deliver a speech in Dalas when he was shot and killed.
  • Johnson Becomes President

    Johnson Becomes President
    After Kennedy was shot Johnson was sworn in on a plane only hours later. He said later in a speech "All i have i would have given gladly not to be standing here today," he was a compasionate man. Although Johnson ended up being the opposite of Kennedy.
  • Johnson's Foreign Policy

    Johnson's Foreign Policy
    Johnson increased involvement in the Vietnam War and the U.S. did not entirely like that. he wanted to end the spread of communism as well as become at peace with the Soviet Union. Johnson was more demanding than Kennedy when it came to Foreign Policy.
  • War on Poverty

    War on Poverty
    Johnson was informed of Kennedy's plan to bust up poverty. He said "Give it the highest priority. Push ahead full tilt." He funded the Job Corps and other econmomic opportunicy acts.
  • freedom summer

    freedom summer
    this was when a group of college students came together to try to help blacks vote. they vollunteered to help register voters. they also helped teach summer school to black children.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    A family wanted to send their Native American child to a white school. They sued because the child was not allowed to go to the school. The case went to the supreme court and they ruled that it was unconstitutioinal not to let them go.
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    The Great Society was the term for the domestic programs of johnsons administration. He wanted to move toward the rich and powerful society. Asked ti end poverty and racial injustice.
  • Rising Student Action

    Rising Student Action
    Jack Weinberg set up a table in a forbidden area to collect donations for a CORE. When police arrived to arrest him for trespasing hundreds of students surrounded the police car so it could not move.
  • Free Speech Movement

    Free Speech Movement
    Spread to campuses all over the nation. The goal was to get the right to say what they wanted to say about how they felt, and when they felt like it. Students used tactics of civil disobedience to protest a variety of injustices.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    The law proved to be one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation ever passed. It gave federal government the power to let make sure african americans were allowed to vote.
  • The ground war

    The ground war
    185,000 troops were deployed to vietnam by the end of 1965. These troops, in respond to the guerrilla warfare, were to locate the vietcong so we could bomb them. the conditions were a living hell.
  • NOW

    A group of feminists formed the group to fight discrimination in the workplace, schools, and justice system. They used many tactics like lobbying government officials to change laws. The first president of NOW was betty Friedan.
  • declining troop morale

    declining troop morale
    The first troops expected to be in and out of Vietnam in 90 days. When the Vietcong troops began to kill many Americans our cocky attituted soon dissapeared. Americans did not want to fight and were not into the war. this was a major reason why we did not technically win the war.
  • The Crusade for Justice

    The Crusade for Justice
    Started by Rodolfo Gonzales and it promoted Mexican Amerian nationalism. They provided legal aid, a theater for enchancing cultural awareness, a Spanish-language newspaper, and other community services.
  • The black panthers

    The black panthers
    Huey Bewton and Bobby Seale formed the group. they rejected non-violence and called for a violent revolution as a means of liberation. many deaths and shootouts between police and the group happened.
  • The media's impact

    The media's impact
    There was many times full media coverage of the war in Vietnam. The americans saw scenves of fighting and burning villages and was called the "living room war" for this reason. This just scared the americans at home and most of the time did not show progress.
  • Alianza

    Started by Reies Lopez Tijerina to focus on enduring issue of land rights. He wanted to get back the tens of thousands of acres stolen by america when they siad they would not take it from the Mexican Americans. They charged into the Rio Arriba courthouse to demand justice. a gun battle broke out
  • Summer of Love

    Summer of Love
    This was the height of the hippie movement. Hippies professed for peace, love, and harmony. It was hard for hippies to live like they did and man suffered from drug addictions. they had no means of supporting themselves.
  • Communist offensive

    Communist offensive
    This was held on the Vietnamese New Year, The north took advantage of the fact that many of the southern soldiers were home celabrating the new year. They attacked 100 cities hoping to have public support but failed.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Vietcong attack on the U.S. Embassy was the start of the Tet Offensive. This was a series of massive coordinated attacks throughout South Vietnam. The Tet Offensive caused 1968 to become a critical year in the Vietnam War. It showed that South Vietnam was not safe from an attack anywhere at anytime.
  • Civil rights act of 1968

    Civil rights act of 1968
    This was a big gain in the civil rights during the late 1960s. This was signed by johnson a week after king was killed. it called for discrimination in the sale or rental of housing.
  • poor people's campaign

    poor people's campaign
    thousands of people came to the nation's capitol to be apart of the campaign. It ended in a falure because some of the Resurrection City residents harassed reporters. Many members were part of inner city gangs. People got shot
  • Assassination of Robert Kennedy

    Assassination of Robert Kennedy
    He was giving a victory speech in los angeles hotel. He was headed to chicago next, but he would not make it their. Just hours after his speech he was gunned down and died just 24 hours later.
  • Black power

    Black power
    At the summer olympics members of the U.S. track team that were black gave the Black Power solute as they recieved their medals. many saw this event as threatening becasue it was no longer non-violence.
  • affirmative action

    affirmative action
    affirmative action was set up to help minorities and women to get jobs. they helped look past descrimination when it came to finding a job. these people had a hard time getting a job in the late 1960s and it really helped.
  • AIM

    The Alcatraz island takeover helped invigorate this movement. it was founded in Minnesota by Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, and others. AIM staged protests in Washington, D.C. and all over theU.S.
  • My Lai massacre

    My Lai massacre
    U.S. troops under the command of Lieutenant Willliam Calley ahd entered the village of My Lai to search for Vietcong members. They did not find any but killed at least 450 children, women and old men. This was kept secret for awhile but ended up leaking somehow. Calley was sentenced to life in prison.
  • Campus Violence

    Campus Violence
    At KentState University a few antiwar demonstrators set fire to the campus Reserve Officers' Training Corps building. National Gaurd troops were ordered to control any further demonstrations. On may 4th there was another rally. four sudents were shot dead by the National Gaurd.
  • La Raza Unida Party

    La Raza Unida Party
    The party campaigned for bilingual education, improved public services, education for children of migrant workers, and an end to job discrimination. The candidates were elected to offices in seceral Texas cities with large Chicano populations.
  • Vietnamization

    Nixon wanted to slowly take troops out of Vietnam so he gradualy turn more of the fighting to the south Vietnamese. By the end of 1972 he had only 24,000 men there instead of 540,000.