The Attack Begins
At 7:48, Hawian Time, the first wave of Japenese aircraft comesnsed flying over the Harbor. With a total of 183 planes, stocked to the teeth with guns, and bombs. They began using the suprise of the attack as their greatest advantage, by bombing as many ships as they could before soldiers knew what was occuring. -
Alerting Troops
Around 7;50, just minutes after the first wave of Japenese aircraft starting destroying ships, The US commander of partol wing two sent a messege to all men saying, "Air raid on Pearl Harbor, this is not a drill!" -
Second Wave Attacks
After a series of minutes and around 8:13, with a second wave consisting of 171 Japense aircraft, the Japenese second wave objective was mostly to finish off any ships that were still functioning, destroying them with either guns, bombs, or suicidial dive bombings. -
The Complete Fight
With the first and second waves combined, forming a total of 535 Japeneses aircraft, as well as the United States Ships fully aware of the suprise attack that just began around half an hour ago, all forces attacked one another causing Japanese planes to be shot down, retreat, or go down into US Ships. -
The Final Minutes of Fighting
During the finale of the enitire attack the Japanese had over 20 acounts of going down into US naval forces, the United States also lost a substantional amount of forces in the final minutes of battle, including civilian casualties. -
USS Pennsylvania
Around 8:20, During the fight, the United States Ship Pennsylvania, named after the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which was a commisioned war ship that served in the First World War, was hit by Japanese bombers and after years of repair was decommisioned from the UNited States Navy. -
The USS Arizona
Possibly the most famous US ship during the Pearl Habor attack, at around 8:10 during the midpoint of fighting The United States Ship Arizona was hit by the bulk of an aircraft bomb, and sank with almost no survivers. The story of the Arizona inspired many American, especially from the state to join the war effort. -
The aftermath of the attack on Pearl Habor, was disgusting. It became the second worst attack on US soil only being preceded by the attacks on September Eleventh. The United Stated lost over 300 aircraft, had around 10 ships, destroyers, and other ships damaged and 10 sank with 12 damaged in some way. Worst of all the US lost over 2,000 soldiers and 68 civilians, a tragic lose for the United States Military. -
Soldiers Reaction
After anouncements, men on the USS Neveada used the ships many anti air guns to shoot down attacking planes, and successfully sailed away from the attack and were able to save the ship and many lives aboard. The USS Aylwin also repeled the attack and got away being led by low level naval officers with little expirence. The USS West Virgina, and USS Tennessee both tried to do the same but were hit by plane bombs as well as dive bombers and were severely damaged loosing almost all of the men. -
A Date Which will live in Infamy
On Dec. 8th, a day after the attack on Pearl Habor, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave his most famous speech, known as the Pearl Habor speech. It begins with the line, "yesterday, dec. 7th 1941, a date which will live in infamy." The speech informed congress and the nation on radio, what had happened and was the United States war declaration. We had then entered the Second World War.