The Bastille is Stormed
The Growing Frustation of the French Citizens finally reaches a boiling point, and they finally break into revolution. The Poor citizens who for far too long have been starved and overtaxed by the nobility takes arms and storms the French prison in the center of San Antoine, The Bastille. This wasn't any just random attack however, The Bastille not only a prison, but where Gunpowder was stored. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The National Assembly drafts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which serves as a counterpart to the American declaration of Indepedance, and promises everyone indepence and natural rights. -
Women's Bread March
The French Women, Furious of the lack of food and their inability to feed their youth, Storm the KIng's place at Versailles, and Forcibly Drag him back to Paris, effectively making him a Prisoner of the Revolution, -
Abolition of French Nobility
The National Assembly effectively gets of rid of the 2nd estate and removes the title of nobility from existence, making those former members of it nothing more then regular citizens. -
Clergy Swears Alliegence to France
The National Assembly forces the Clergy, who previously pledge alligence to the King, To pledge Alliegence to France, and by extention the Revolution. -
Louis XVI attempts to flee France.
Louis XVI and his wife, fearing for their lives, attempt to escape France and seek refugee in Austria, however their escape attempt fails and they are caught at Varennes. This whole ordeel serves only to further reduce French loyalty to the king, and effectively eliminates any and all public support he may or may not have had. -
Austria and Prussia Expressed Support for Louis XVI
As simple as the title puts it. Austria and Prussia basically say that Louis XVI shouldn't be being held prisoner and that if he were to ever make into their countries that he would be granted Aslyum. This will probably be relevant later. -
France Declares war on Austria
After becoming aware of the Austrian plan to invade France and LIberate King Louis XVI, France Declares war on Austria -
LE GUILLOTINE is used for the first time!
The French come up with a much more effective method to execute prisoners and those who conspire against the revolution, simply giving them "A little off the top". As a matter of fact the Guillotine proves to be so effective that it gains the nickname "The National Razor". -
Prussia Declares War on France.
Prussia, filled with a desire to help their Austrian allies and to help LIberate King Louis XVI, Declare war on France. -
French people express extreme hatred towards King
Due to the King's repeated attempts to seek forgien aid, and due to him being the reason for the wars against both Austria and Prussia more and more people begin expressing pure Hatred towards the countries former leader. During this time Robespirre also rises to popularity as one of the main people speaking out against the King (he was also the Leader of the Jacobin party by this point.)- The specific day isn't particularly relevant, just the Month and year, however needed for organization.
King Louis XVI Executed
The National assembly votes to execute King Louis XVI. Every single Jacobin votes for his execution, and Robespierre attempts to convince enough people to agree on his execution. Finally, at the end of the 24h Voting period Ropespirre's efforts are validated and King Louis is sentenced to Execution at the hands of the National Razor. -
Marie Antoinette executed
Only fitting that after the KIng was Executed that wife met the same Fate, albiet quite a bit later. -
Period: to
France in Disarray
Having just ended the Reign of Terror France places a rather weak government into play and effectively nothing occurs till a certain someone attempts to take over the entirety of Europe. -
Napoleon Bonaparte rises to power.
Napoleon overthrows the weak and incapable Franch Directory government that was put in place after the fall of Robespirre, and hosts a very "Fair" election that shocking ends up with him in power. One can only wonder what this man did with his power...- He literally tried, and almost succeeded at, taking over the entirity of Europe. though that's a timeline for a different day / assignment.
Foundation of the Committee of Public Safety.
A Group formed to serve the people's best interest and keep both them, and the nation itself safe. This will 100% not lead to a catastrophe any time soon, right? -
Robespirre Begins Reign of Terror.
Robespirre takes complete Control of the Committee of Public Safety, and uses it to begin a new era in France, The Reign of Terror. This is basically what's going on towards the end of Tale of Two Cities, anyone who opposed the Revolution was instantly sent to the Guillitone, even if there wasn't enough evidence to properly convinct them of any crime. -
Robespirre Executed.
After leading the Reign of Terror for nearly a year, Robespirre is forced to become a victim of his own campaign. People begin to realize he's far too out of control, and send him to the National Razor, Finally ending Robespirre (and by extention the Jacobin's) rule.- It is estimated that 50000 people died during Robespirre's Reign, Only fitting that he too became a part of that count.