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A Comprehensive Timeline of the Middle East 1980-Present

  • Saddam Hussein Becomes President of Iraq

    Saddam Hussein Becomes President of Iraq
  • Period: to

    Middle Eastern History 1980- Present

  • Beginning of First Persian Gulf War

    Beginning of First Persian Gulf War
    Taking advantage of Iran during it's revolution, Iraq invades Iran to begin the First Persian Gulf War.
  • End of American Hostage Crisis

    End of American Hostage Crisis
    The 52 Americans working in the US Embassy in Iran are released after 444 days of captivity by Islamic militants and students.
  • (FIrst) Lebanon War

    (FIrst) Lebanon War
    June 6th, 1982- May 17, 1983. Conflict between Lebanon and Israel.
  • Beginning of the First Infitada

    Beginning of the First Infitada
    Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation
  • End of First Persian Gulf War

    End of First Persian Gulf War
    Ceasefire. Pre-War borders re-established and half a million dead, military and civilian.
  • Unification of Yemen

    Unification of Yemen
    North and South Yemen unify to make one state with joint ruling.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    Also known as Operation Desert Storm, the Gulf War was initiated by Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait on August 2nd, 1980. THis resulted in immediate action by a UN-authorized coalition force of 34 nations led by the United States.
  • End of Gulf War

    End of Gulf War
    Kuwait is liberated.
  • 1993 World Trade Center Bombing

    1993 World Trade Center Bombing
    A car bomb detonates underneaththe North Tower of the World Trade Centers in NYC. 6 are killed and over 1,000 injured. Al Qaeda claims responsibility.
  • End of First Infitada (Oslo Accords)

    End of First Infitada (Oslo Accords)
  • Gaza- Jericho Agreement

    Gaza- Jericho Agreement
    Agreement between Israel and Palestine for Palestine's partial authority over Gaza and Jericho, and Israels withdrawal from that region.
  • Yemen Civil War

    Yemen Civil War
    May- July, 1994, between North and South. SOut loses, many forced into exile.
  • Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty

    Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty
    Jordan becomes the second Arab nation to sign a treaty with Israel.
  • Al-Qaeda Attacks on US Emabassys

    Al-Qaeda Attacks on US Emabassys
    Al Qaeda bombs US Embassys in Kenya and Tanzania
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks
    Two planes are hijacked by members of Al Qaeda and flown into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center. A third plane was unsuccessful and passengers compromised the terrorists. A fourth plane was flown into the Pentagon. In total, 2,996 were killed.
  • Beginning of Iraq War

    Beginning of Iraq War
    American invasion of Iraq in search of weapons of mass destruction and terorist cells.
  • London Transport Bombings by Al Qaeda

    London Transport Bombings by Al Qaeda
  • (Second) Lebanon War

    (Second) Lebanon War
    July 12th- August 14th, a 34 day conflict between Lebanon and Israel
  • Beginning of Arab Spring

    Beginning of Arab Spring
    Combination of non-violant and violant uprisings, civil wars, and protests in Arab nations over political disputes. As of present time, four nations have had rulers forced from power, 2 nations have had civil uprsings, 6 nations have had majr uprisings, and 5 nations have began minor protests.
  • Assassination of Osama Bin Laden

    Assassination of Osama Bin Laden
    Seal Team 6 invades Bin Laden's place of residency and assassinates him.
  • Eng of the Iraq War

    Eng of the Iraq War
    President Obama withdraws United States troops from Iraq.