Puleion Joins The First FTB Server
Puleion joins Mike's first FTB server. He is there to fix the British energy crisis and hopefully make a positive lasting impact on Mike's group of friends. -
Puleion meets Batmango
Puleion meets Batmango as they endevor into completing the entirety of the Thaumcraft Mod. Erecting a gigantic tower, first of cobblestone and eventually changing it to magmatic rock, They begin to pour supplies and time into the mod, eventually being able to compete with the other tech mods. -
Mike begins to Spawn
Mike begins to spawn stuff in as Puleion plans to hold the server hostage with magic and nukes. The first base, known as "TheMage Tower" is built. -
The Wisp Issue
Delving further into Thaumcraft, Puleion breaks the game as hundreds of Wisps flood into the Server Island. The situation becomes dire and Stef Zim is brought in to address the problem. -
Things Get Boring
Blowing up the entire island and Spawning in several Huydras, the server is closed and Puleion looks back at his expiriences as ones of learing. -
A New Server Opens
A New server opens, and Puleion Digs the first few blocks of the second base, known as "The Fuhrur Bunker" -
Sporting an Anti-Semetic and Fascist Regime, the men of the Bunker quickly capitalize on Kim's stored Diamonds and their surrounding Natural Resources. -
The First Nuclear Reactor is made.
Advancing technologicly, the Bunker becomes the hub of science, churning out several inventions, icluding an unstable, and soon to be detroyed nuclear reactor. -
The Server Closes
With the Schliffen plan in full effect, the server suddenly closes due to the modpacks instability and lack of core programming. Once again the company closes its doors. -
Another Server
Puleion Catches wind of a new FTB server to come out, and using gathered know- how, he plans to take over with nukes. Him and Stef Zim draw up the plans to a democratic council to direct the ctions of the people. It is called the "Shlieffen Plan" -
Around an hour into the new server, anarchy breaks loose and Puleion is declared supreme autocratic dictator of an industrial corporation named after himself, PuleionTech -
New Base
As the needs of the company gow mor and more, Puleion creates a base in whiche to direct all opertions from. Next to this building is a 300 meter tall statue of Adolf Hitler, sheilding everyone with his lovely perfection. -
A Rival on the Scene
In the shadow of PuleionTech superiority, Joe Shevin opens up the corporate giant Kimdustires Kimcorporate Kimglomorate, better known as the KKK. -
PuleionTech falls behind
Owing to Jeremy and Aidans stupidity and having nothing to do with the masterful CEO Puleion, PuleionTech falls behind the KKK in the production of everything. Mike's lazy ass refuses to fix the power issue and iridium production is at an all time low. -
Here at PuleionTech...
Desperate for a larger workforce and potential spy, Puleion gives the "Here at PuleionTech" speech to Ethen Nahte also known as Batmango, to convince him to come over. Pointing out the KKK;s flaws in lack of food and hoarding of powerfull technology, Puleion secures a lastin fiv minute relation ship with Bat, which crumbled after we had no food ourselves and Jeremy murdered bat by telling him to het the force field. -
A little Help
Starving and reduced to burning protestants for power, PuleionTech hires AndrewFrank, who provides the workforce of PuleionTech with nourishment for a long while. Aided by Mike and his growing endevos into bees, Andrew begins churning out honeyed-slices to feed PuleionTech. -
White Gold
Defeating the Ender Dragon, PuleionTech begins its famous mass production of iridium, made possible by the now compitent Aidan Wiltisusisuze. His constant stream of Sheldonite makes producing iridium easy and cost efficent. -
Even MORE Help
While Searching the internet at ridiculus hours of the night, Puleion discovers a man known as Bacon Donut. This based-god explains a glitch in the game which allows the duplication of any item in FTB through the use of Canvas Bags. -
Advancement to the BD Degree
Armed with their bags of canvas, Puleion and his workers totally eclipse Kim and his lame brained British assholes. Batmango and Will both commit suicide while naked in the same bathtub, and things are looking up. -
Attempted Suicide
PuleionTech employees storm the maount base of the kkk. Thinking that all the defenses are down due to industrial sabatage, the crew walks in the front door. Imediatley, the inventory of PuleionTech is stolen by kims fully functional battle station. -
In a Fit of British Anger
Kims blows up the unprotected and failling PuleionTech. Server ends. -
PuleionTech enters the next server, and Puleion is convinced that he can build Rapture. Armed with early canvas bags, Puleion and his crew quickly become the undisputed masters of the server, since kim wasnt on it. -
A Shitty Train
Puleion finds one steel, and it becomes 5 stacks. Turning into a train, the steel turns PuleionTech into a monopoly of transport. Sarms Corp presents a problem, so Puleion kills its co founder, batmango, with the train he was trying to get on. -
A New Problem
Realizing unlimited resources make the game boring, in conjunction with Kims refusal to pay for a server he is not on, Kim ends the server, and thus ends the glory days of PuleionTech.