flashback 2
Scrooge is at fezziwigs party.
" Yo Ho, my boys!' said fezziwig' No more work tonight. Christmas Eve..."' ( Dickens 34)
Direct -
Tiny Tim
Scrooge is sad becauseTiny Tim is dying
" Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief." Indirect/actions -
Scrooge sends a turkey to Cratchits
scrooge buys a turkey for Cratchit."Go and Buy it, and tell 'em to bring it back here, i may give them the direction where to take it.... I"ll send it to Bob Cratchit. (Dickens 77) Indirect Actions -
Scrooge Give Bob A Raise and Coal for Fire.
" Bob, my good fellow, i have given you a raise." -
The Ghost of Christmas future
Scrooge was scared of the Ghost. " although well used to ghostly company bu this time, Scrooge feared the silent shape so much that his legs trembled beneath him." Indirect looks -
Scrooge is a grouch
"Bah!" Scrooge said, "Humbug!' (Dickens 12)
Indirect/ Speech -
Flashback to child hood
fan, Scrooges sister came to bring him home from school, she told Scrooge that their father isn't the way he used to be.
"Father is So much kinder than He used to be." (Dickens 33)
Idirect effect -
Jacob Marley visits Scrooge
Jacob Marley visits Scrooge from the past. " Who are you?' Ask who was '... ' In life I was I was your partner Jacob Marley." (Dickens 21) Indirect effects -
scrooge is a changed man
scrooge is a changed man. " He went to church and walked about the streets, and watched the people hurrying to and fro, and patted children on the head." (Dickens 78) indirect thoughts -
Scrooge sees his death
Scrooge is in the future and sees himself dead. " Am I That man who lay open the bed?' he cried upon his knees." (Dickens72) Indirect Thoughts.