A Brief Window into a Dark History of Medical Discrimination Against Black Bodies in the U.S.
By rwolinsk
Dr. Marion Sims Experiments on Female Slaves
Dr. J. Marion Sims, celebrated for his medical discoveries in women’s health in the late 1800s, performed many experimental surgeries on female slaves, addicting them to morphine as he performed painful vaginal surgeries. He is considered the father of gynecology, but many do not know of his egregious experimentation. Reference: Harriet A. Washington, Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present -
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Dr. Marion Sims Exprimentation on Female Slaves
Dr. J. Marion Sims, celebrated for his medical discoveries in women’s health in the late 1800s, performed many experimental surgeries on female slaves, addicting them to morphine as he performed painful vaginal surgeries. He is considered the father of gynecology, but many do not know of his egregious experimentation.