
A Basic Timeline of WWI

By HunterL
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed along with his wife in Sarajevo, Bosnia. This is what sparked WWI
  • The Battle of Dogger Bank

    The Battle of Dogger Bank
    The Battle of Dogger Bank was a naval engagement between Britain and Germany near Dogger Bank. The British navy came out victorious.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme was a joint operation between the British and French where they tried to make a decisive victory against the Germans. The British won the battle but only gained very little ground and had over 57,000 casualties.
  • U.S. Joins the Battle

    U.S. Joins the Battle
    The United States joins the war and aids in the victory against Germany.
  • Arthur Roland Keller Enlists

    Arthur Roland Keller Enlists
    At the age of 19, many people keep bothering Arthur Roland Keller about not going to war so he enlists into the Marines.
  • Replacements Arrive

    Replacements Arrive
    Replacements start showing up to replace the losses of the war but some of them were ill with the flu and die within 24 hours of arriving.
  • After The Armistice

    After The Armistice
    Arthur Roland Keller talks about how filthy he was and how he had to take care of himself while in Germany. He talks about how the lice were really bad and how he had to boil his clothing to clean them. He also had to live in a barn for a little bit.
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    The Battle of Argonne Forest

    Arthur Roland Keller participates in the last battle of WWI; The Battle of the Argonne Forest. Arthur talks about how difficult it was battling against camouflage
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany, with their little supplies, left and their allies all defeated, finally gave up and surrendered to the allies, ending this long, brutal war.
  • Arthur Roland Keller is Discharged

    Arthur Roland Keller is Discharged
    Arthur Roland Keller is honorably discharged after the war.