My mom used it to heat up food quick and eat it soner. -
T.V. antena
My mom used it to watch tv more clear -
It allowed me to wash cloths at just the touch of a button. -
8-track player
It allowed my mom to not only to listen to the radio but C-D's. -
walkman music device
My mom used It to lesten to music while running,it made running more fun. -
My mom used it as a portible communication divice,and you felt safe at all times beacause in an emergincie you could call 911 -
I got my first wii or vidiogameing system
I used it to play vdio games on rainy days,so I could play when it was rainy. -
I used my first computer
I used it to find info for school projects at home and to play vidio games. -
I got my first Ipod nano
I used it to lesten to music while running and to lesten to diffrent music channels then my mom and dad on long trips -
I used my first I-PAD
I used it to play vido games when I was bord.I allso watched movies on netflix.