9D ElA Timeline project

  • My birthday 10

    My birthday 10
    When I turned 10 my family celebrated my birthday at a restaurant.
  • I like watching anime

    I like watching anime
    I watch Japanese cartoons and different genres of anime.
  • I love my siblings.

    I love my siblings.
    I have 3 older siblings. My oldest sister, her name is Dorean. My brother, his name is Fahad. My sister name is Halima.
  • I have fun with my aunty.

    I have fun with my aunty.
    My aunty is a kind-hearted person that I can rely on.
  • My Family is important to me

    My family has always been important to me. Without them I will never smile or be happy.
  • My birthday 11

    My birthday 11
    On my 11th birthday I got my first phone.
  • I have fun with people I am not always close to\\\\\\

    I have fun with people I am not always close to\\\\\\
    My friends are people that have my back. I miss my friends from school. But I enjoy online school.
  • I like reading Novels

    I like reading books by Kamila Benko and enjoy reading as a hobby. I like reading manga.
  • My birthday 12

    My birthday 12
    On my twelfth birthday I took pictures and enjoyed my birthday but not as planned I wanted to have a party but couldn’t because of the pandemic. I got my second phone.
  • My birthday 13.

    I had mcdonald’s at 12 on my birthday we ordered it to come home.