
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    British went searching for gunpowder that colonists had been keeping. Colonists came out to fight and stop the British. On the way back to Boston, many British troops were killed and wounded. This is considered the first batle in the American Revolution
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The battle of bunker hill actually happened on breed's hill near boston. Three times the British army charged up the hill and continental soldiers defeated them. On the third charge though, the continental army ran out of powder and had to retreat. Although the british took the hill, they suffered many casualties.
  • Declaration of Independence Signed

    Declaration of Independence Signed
    On this date, the Declaration of Independence was signed by the members of the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia, PA. The document told the British that the colonies sought to be free and independent from English tyranny and listed the many reasons why. Essentially, the Declaration was a death warrant for all of the signers.