250px 98 cobra

My time line

  • my first song

    my first song
    i started downloading music videos ...etc
  • When I got my ps2

    When I got my ps2
    I got my ps2 on Christmas.
  • my first go cart

    it was a 200 cc go cart that does 150 mph
  • My first gauges

    My first gauges
    16gauge down to a 4g
  • 3 wheeler

    3 wheeler
    i bought my 3 wheeler
  • when i rolled my 3 wheeler

    when i rolled my 3 wheeler
    i was doing doughnuts in the dirt and i caught a rock and flipped my 3 wheeler over . I have gotten up and rolled it back over iand took off
  • i pod

    i pod
    my first i pod nano
  • my truck

    my truck
    1994 chevrolet s10 pick up truck
  • My first job

    My first job
    i filled out my application for the job and i got it
  • my ps3

    my ps3
    I worked for it with my first job. it cost 399
  • Seattle Washington

    Seattle Washington
    28 hour drive out there and 28 hours back but it was so fun out there
  • My first job

    My first job
  • Nitro rc truck

    Nitro rc truck
    4wd it has a big block and does about 80
  • future DJ

    future DJ
    I want to be a future DJ
  • born

    11/07/1994 i was a big baby