Noah's Amazing Adventure

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born in Jacksonville Florida at Baptist Hospital. That night there were amazing fireworks that could be seen from my hospital room. My parents said they were to celebrate my birth. (Actually, the City of Jacksonville just found out that they would host the Super Bowl)
  • My 1st Birthday

    My 1st Birthday
    My Grandpa and Grandma Childs came all the way from West Virginia to celebrate my first birthday. I had one cake that was just for me to eat. I stuck my hand in that cake and made a mess! Luckily, there was another cake for my family to eat.
  • My 2nd Birthday

  • My 3rd Birthday

    My 3rd Birthday
  • My First Sled Ride

    My First Sled Ride
    I went sledding for the first time when I was 3 years old. We went sledding down the hill behind Grandpa and Grandma Pinchot's house in PA. I went fast!
  • My Baptism

    My Baptism
    I was the only one in my family to be baptized in the ocean. We walked from our church to Jax Beach. I was baptized by Pastor Jerry and Pastor Tim. I was nervous but they didn't let me drown.
  • My 4th Birthday

  • My 5th Birthday

  • My 1st Trip to Disney World

    Wow! I couldn't believe I was going to Disney World. I went with my friend Madi. My favorite rides were Buzz Lightyear and Space Mountain. I was a little scared to ride the rollercoaster that was in the dark but it was awesome!
  • My 6th Birthday

    My 6th Birthday
  • My 1st Visit to the Emergency Room

    I couldn't stop throwing up. The doctor told my mom to take me to the emergency room. We waited a long time. Then I had to get an IV! I ended up spending one night at the hospital. My mom stayed with me.
  • My 7th Birthday

  • My 8th Birthday

    Jacob and I went to Monster Mosh and saw cockroach races, watched a chef cook bugs, and even watched my mom win in a cricket spitting contest! That was gross!
  • Christmas 2008

    Christmas 2008
    We went to PA to visit my Grandpa and Grandma Pinchot. It was really cold there but I got to go out and play in the snow! I love snow!
  • Gifted Play

    Gifted Play
    I was playing the guitar to the song "I Love Rock and Roll". It must be an old song because my mom and dad both knew it.
  • A Honor Roll

    A Honor Roll
    Yeah! I made all As on my report card! I have two great teachers. Thanks Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. Ross!