NWS is born!
I was born almost 2 weeks late in Media, PA. I don't remember anything about it. -
1st Halloween
1st Christmas
I celebrated my first Christmas! I was the only grand-child there!!!!!!!! -
1st Birthday
Mom and dad let me smash up a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I will do it for my 9th birthday. -
2nd Birthday
"Happy 2nd birthday to me- cha cha cha- happy 2nd birthday to me -cha cha cha- happy 2nd birthday dear nws................ happy 2nd birthday to me -cha cha cha oo la la hiya-!!!!!" I like WAY diffrent stuff now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Move to Jacksonville, FL
Dad's job transferred us to Jacksonville. I really don't remember much about moving here - I was only 2 and a half. -
Became BIG brother
My sister was born at 8:07AM. I got to hold her!!! -
Started preschool
I started preschool at Christ United Methodist Church at the Beach. Some of my friends were there to!!! -
3rd Birthday
I got my bike that day and I was so excited!. It had a horn, but I don't have it anymore. -
4th Birthday
1st trip to Disney World
I was SO excited to go to Disney World for the first time!!!! I only wanted to see my FAVORITE characters!!!! -
5th Birthday
I was making my own birthday cake at preschool. Then we got to have it for a snack! -
started kindergarten
I started at chets creek elementry. I was only scared a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeny bit! -
6th Birthday
7th Birthday
I got my Razor scooter! I forgot I got it then,because it seemed like I have had it for 2 years!! -
8th Birthday
My mom and dad and my sister woke me up and I opened my presents. I had cake for breakfast!! It was a school day.