French revolution serment du jeu de paume tennis court oath

Revolutionary Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The very first steam engine was made by Thomas Savery, then Thomas Newcome helped to improve it then finally James Watt created it for an actuall engine to power trains and boats.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution was caused because of the mistreatment of the french people. The French people were in war and starving and the king was living a great life so on July 14th 1789 they revolted, and ended up killing the king and queen and changed the history of France
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    At this time the French were in control of part of the Hatian people and were making them work for them. The hatian people were sick of this and they began to revolt agaisn't the french specifically in the colony of Saint Domingue. The revolt was succesfull and the french acknowledged the Hatians as people and left their country.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    This Congress was established to set boundries, and stop the reign of terror in Europe
  • Opium War

    The opium war was due, to Britian taking advantage. of China and dealing Opium to all of the people. THis made the living standard go down in China and the government was corrupt. And when the chinese outlawed the drug, the British were furious. When China refused to make the drug legall agian they began attacking China. Britian won and gained ports in China, Britian opened china up for trade.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    The communist Manifesto was a German written book that adressed the problems with capitalism, and other political problems, of that time. This book encouraged governments to lean off of capitalism, which was later replaced by communism, which some say is worce style of government.
  • Matt Perry Goes to Japan.

    Perry went to Japan with a Fleet in 1853, and again in 1854. The first trip he took to japan he only had a small fleet under his control and Japan would not give them much freedom to trade. He later came back in 1854 with a very large fleet and said if they attacked Japan would be destroyed. The cause of this even was it opened up Japan to trade and western ideas and ways of living.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    The British thought they were the master race and had control of many people in india, and the indians who served the british army were called the sepoy. They sepoy heard that the bullets they used in their guns were covered in cow fat, and cows are sacred to them. They were infuriated, and rallied everyone the could and began to rebell against the British. They British struck back hard, and won. As a result of this mutiny indian's werent in the army as much, adn the muslims were prosecuted.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    Germany was in a state of disunion with many different ununited states. At this time Germany was known as Prussia and after a series of wars Germany was finally united.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    Otto von Bismark called leaders of the countries to get together and divide up Africa, and they had to decide what countries got what tade ports. Because of this Africa was almost comletely taken over except for liberia and Ethopia.
  • Russo- Japanese War

    Russo- Japanese War
    The Japanese and Russian were major powers and had conflicting views with imperialism. They also were after manchuria and Korea,and for willing to fight for these territories. Russia wanted it for the navy, and both wanted to use it for trading as well. In the end of the war Japan had won which shocked the world and established Japan as a major power.
  • Zulu Uprising

    Zulu Uprising
    The British were in controll of the Zulu people in Africa and exploited them as the did to the indian people, the sepoy mutiny also motivated the Zulus to revolt. After the fighting the Zulus won and were no longer under the control of the British and this encouraged many people that they couldnt be controlled by foreign forces.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    Mexico was in control of Spain and the spanish were exploiting the native people, making them change religion. They also destroyed the ancient cultures the mexican people used to have, and the peasants in mexico were sick of this and had enough. after eleven years of fighting Mexico defeated the Spanish and attained independence. This motivated other poor countries who are under control of foreign invaders to revolt.
  • Dr.Sun Yat-sen takes over China

    Dr.Sun Yat-sen takes over China
    Dr. Sun Yat-sen is known as the single person who had the most effect on Nationalist China. In 1911 he became of provisional president. During his reign he denied communism's entry into china. He was declared the founding father of Republican China.
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