Timeline Assignment Unit #6 1800-1914

  • Period: to


  • Steam Engine Perfected

    Steam Engine Perfected
    The steam engine was perfected by James Watt.
    -Improved the ways the world worked
    -Improved trade
    -Used for locomotives(trains, ferry boats)
    -First invented by Thomas Newcomen
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    -monarchy failing
    -people stormed bastille
    -Fish ladies captured King and Queen and took them away to paris
    -king and queen executed by guillotine
    -Reign of Terror
    Robspierre Executed
    -Code of Napolean: Equal rights before the law, Religious Tolerance, Abolishes Feudilism
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    -sugar cane, major slave crop.
    -haiti-french colony.
    -slaves revolted, haiti became independent(1804)
    -gave the world an idea that slaves can become free.
    -frightened many slave owners.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    -Mexico was a Spanish colony for 300 years
    -On September 10, 1810, a Roman Catholic Priest, Fr. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla published a pamphlet called "Grito de Dolores," which called for reforms. It sparked a mob of thousands (primarily Aztecs and Mayans) to attack the Spanish Colonial garrison in Guanajuato and eventually Mexico City.
    -Spain's military defeats eventually forced it to withdraw from Mexico.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna restores the monarchy in many countries that napleon overthrew in Europe. The congress was afraid of non-monarchy countires, including france, so they developed strong border states.
  • opium war

    opium war
    -com. lin was against opium smuggling
    -britain vs china
    -com.lin wrote a letter to queen victoria saying he wants an end to opium.
    -british continuedselling and trading opium war causing com. lin to destroy over 20 thousand hest of opium.
    -in effect the british destroyed 29 chinese ships, thus starting the war,
    -Britain was victorious
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    -Book by Socialist: Karl Marx and Frederich Engels
    -Struggle between classes (The history of hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle.)
    -encouraged people to try the communist system which was based upon the laboring classes having ownership of capital.
    -predicted war between bourgeois and proletarians
    DID NOT HAPPEN...yet..some dispute whether there has ever truly been a "communist revolution".
  • Matthew Perry goes to Japan

    Matthew Perry goes to Japan
    -American fleet under Cmdr Perry's command enters and occupies Tokyo Bay.
    -Demands trade rights on behalf of United States
    -Japan lacks ability to combat superior American military technology/strength
    -Undermine the authority of the Tokogawa Shogunate which relied heavily on Japan's isolation from the rest of the world.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    -British-trained East Indian soldiers rebelled against British forces when they had heard rumour that their weapons were greased with lard (from pigs) and beef fat (from cows). Cows were sacred in Hindu culture and pigs were seen as untouchable to Muslims.
    -The mutiny succeeded for a time. The Sepoys occupied the Indian cities of Delhi and Kanpur for four months.
    -British reinforcements evenually arrived in September 1857 to brutally crush the rebellion and retake the cities.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    -Princes acepted the german Kaiser(king) it became Unified Germany (kaiser:Wilhelm)
    -New unified Germany is the cause for two world wars in the 20th century
  • Zulu Uprising of 1879

    Zulu Uprising of 1879
    -While European colonial powers battled for supremacy over Africa to find resources to fuel industrial development, the rights and aspirations of native populations were ignored.
    -In 1879, 40,000 untrained and under-armed natives loosely organized to deliver several defeats to British forces seeking to establish their rule over a region of Africa dominated by Dutch settlers since the mid-17th Century.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    -questions going around about control over africa
    -westerners call a conference to negotiate questions and end confusion over the control of Africa
    -the westerners divided up africa for there own land
    -conference was called by King Leopold II
  • Russo-Japanese war.

    Russo-Japanese war.
    -war broke out over dominance in korea and manchuria.
    -Japan wins the war meaning control over korea and part of manchuria.
    -Japan begins a period of colonial expansion and exploitation.
    -Japan tries to wipe out any form of culture, and demands labor from the people.
    -used natural resources of the colonies to fuel industrial growth on the island of japan which was resource poor.
  • Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
    -Led People's revolution
    -Credited for giving life to the revolutionary fervor that shaped the 20th century in China of later revolutionaries like Chiang Kai-shek and Mao.
    Sunh's 3 organizing revolutionary principles were nationalism, democracy and livelihood.
    -1908 his Empress Cixi dies. 2 year old "Boy Emperor" replaces her.
    -Revolt broke out in 1911 leading to Sun's appointment as President.
    -Foreign interference and local infighting led him to step down in1912 for a general to take over