Steam Engine
In 1663 Thomas Newcomen was an english blacksmith. He invented the atmospheric steam engine. Thomas' engine pumped steam into a cylander But in 1769 James Watt connected a valve to the cylander. Watt's engine became the most popular design. This was important because the steam engine became the most important design of their century. -
French Revolution
The French Revolution went from 1789 to 1799 . People where angry with the king and queen because they were hungry. France had a shortage of food and rough weather. The "people wanted to recreate society." This was important because the poor peolpe wanted to have the same rights as the king and queen, so they revolted. -
Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution was one of the most successful slave rebellions. It ended not only slavery but also french control. The Haitian Revolution was lead by Toussaint l’Overture, he was captured and sent to prision and he died there. This event was important because it gave the Haitian people freedom and independence of their country. -
Indepence of Mexico
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, was a priest in the small town called Dolores. He called all of the people of Mexico to rise up against Spanish rule. This created the war for Mexico's independence. The country didn't get it's independence until 1821. This event was important becasue it gave Mexico a chance to get it's freedom from the Spanish Crown, and get their independence. -
Congress of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna was an international confrence to help remake Europe. They wanted to create a balance in power to keep the peace. This was important because the conference helped re-shape Europe and get them back on their feet. -
Opium Wars
British Merchants began smuggling Opium into China. So in the year of 1839 China enforced prohibitions on the importation of Opium. Great Britian sent gunboats to attack several chinese coastal cities. China couldn't withstand them, so they lost. This is important because China was then forced to sign the treaty of Nanjing. -
Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles where the two men who created the Communist Manifesto.The Manifesto calls for the overthrow of capitalsim. Marx predicted a struggle between social classes. So he theorized that economics was taking force in history. The Manifesto was important becuase these two men created something that would change the way some people lived. -
Matt Perry goes to Japan
In the year of 1853 Matthew Perry lead an expendtion to Japan. Perry wanted to go to Japan to open them up to trade with the west. Matthew Perry was important because he got the west to be able to trade with Japan for goods. -
Sepoy Mutiny
The Sepoys were Indian's trained by British Soliders. The guns that the British used where greased with beef fat, and cows are sacred in India. All the Sepoy's were outraged, and they started a rebellion. This event was important because the Sepoy Mutiny was crushed by the British, but showed that they fought back for their religion. -
Unification Of Germnay
In 1815 in the end of the Napolenic Wars, the Congress of Vienna created thrity-nine states in the area called Germany. In 1866 and 1870 France declared war on Prussia. And it resulted in the removal of the french leader, Napoleon III and led to a wave of Germanic nationalism spreading through the whole of the German Confederation. This was important because it gave Germnay a desire for unification. -
Berlin Conference
In 1884 German offical Otto von Bismark called together all of the major western powers of the world to end confusion over the control of Africa. During the conference, 80% of Africa remained under traditional and local control. What happened was that, Africa was split into fifty irreagual countries. This was important because the conference decided which country would own which part of Africa. -
Zulu Uprising
In 1888 Britian saw the Zulu's as an issue. So on October 22nd, 1886 the British addede more land to the Zulu territory north of the Thukela river. Seeing what was left of the Zulu territory, and the deafeat of the Zulu uprising led by Dinzulu in june 1888.This important becuase the Zulu's leader was banished and they lost the uprising. -
Russo-Japanese War
Russia faced the increasing power of Japan. Russia agreed with Japan to withdraw troops Manchuria. The Japanese fleet attacked the Russia naval squadron at Port Authur. The Japanese land forces cut the Russian army off to the port. Russia then began to fight in October and ended in March 1905 when Russia withdrew. This was important because Russia and Japan were fighting for territorial expansion in Eastern Asia. -
Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
Sun is called the founding father of the republic of China. He was the first president of the Republic of China. Sun Yat-sen was a unting figure in post-imperial China. Sun was one of the greatest leaders of modern China. After the success of the Revolution, he fell out of power. Sun did not live to see his power over China.This was imoprtant because Dr. Sun Yat-sen unifyed China.